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Where is the .NET command line compiler?

Where is the .NET command line compiler (csc.exe) located after install?

I'm trying to set up my path to compile C# applications from the command line, but I can't find where csc.exe has been installed.

I'm using .NET 4 and Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.

like image 994
richzilla Avatar asked Apr 19 '11 18:04


People also ask

Does .NET have a compiler?

NET uses two compilers, Roslyn, to compile C# or VB code into CIL (common intermediate language), and RyuJIT, to run just-in-time compilation of CIL into native code. Both compilers are highly regarded by the . NET community as Microsoft actively improves them.

Where is C# compiler on Windows?

First, locate the C# compiler on your computer. (You can use your computer's search facility: press Start in the lower left corner, press Search, then within the Search window, select ``Search all files'' and then type a search for csc.exe.) This folder is the ``path'' to the compiler.

What is the .NET CLI?

The . NET command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing . NET applications. The .

Where is Visual Studio CMD installed?

Developer Command Prompt Search for the name of the command prompt file, which is VsDevCmd. bat, or go to the Tools folder for Visual Studio, such as %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools (path changes according to your Visual Studio version, edition, and installation location).

1 Answers

In the respective %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vXXXX folder.

Each version of the runtime has its own compiler, which would make 4.0:


Your minor version (the 30319) may vary.

like image 76
Oded Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11
