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Where is the complete list of kubernetes objects?



kubernetes seems to have lot of objects. I can't seem to find the full list of objects anywhere. After briefly searching on google, I can find results which mention a subset of kubernetes objects. Is the full list of objects documented somewhere, perhaps in source code? Thank you.

like image 602
user674669 Avatar asked Oct 29 '18 21:10


People also ask

Where are all the Kubernetes objects stored?

Configuration files are typically stored in source control, such as Git. live object configuration / live configuration: The live configuration values of an object, as observed by the Kubernetes cluster. These are kept in the Kubernetes cluster storage, typically etcd.

Which command is used to list all the Kubernetes objects?

The most basic command for viewing Kubernetes objects via kubectl is get . If you run kubectl get <resource-name> you will get a listing of all resources in the current namespace. If you want to get a specific resource, you can use kubectl get <resource-name> <object-name> .

2 Answers

Following command successfully display all kubernetes objects

kubectl api-resources 


[root@hsk-controller ~]# kubectl api-resources NAME                              SHORTNAMES       KIND bindings                                           Binding componentstatuses                 cs               ComponentStatus configmaps                        cm               ConfigMap endpoints                         ep               Endpoints events                            ev               Event limitranges                       limits           LimitRange namespaces                        ns               Namespace nodes                             no               Node persistentvolumeclaims            pvc              PersistentVolumeClaim persistentvolumes                 pv               PersistentVolume pods                              po               Pod podtemplates                                       PodTemplate replicationcontrollers            rc               ReplicationController resourcequotas                    quota            ResourceQuota secrets                                            Secret serviceaccounts                   sa               ServiceAccount services                          svc              Service initializerconfigurations                          InitializerConfiguration mutatingwebhookconfigurations                      MutatingWebhookConfiguration validatingwebhookconfigurations                    ValidatingWebhookConfiguration customresourcedefinitions         crd,crds         CustomResourceDefinition apiservices                                        APIService controllerrevisions                                ControllerRevision daemonsets                        ds               DaemonSet deployments                       deploy           Deployment replicasets                       rs               ReplicaSet statefulsets                      sts              StatefulSet tokenreviews                                       TokenReview localsubjectaccessreviews                          LocalSubjectAccessReview selfsubjectaccessreviews                           SelfSubjectAccessReview selfsubjectrulesreviews                            SelfSubjectRulesReview subjectaccessreviews                               SubjectAccessReview horizontalpodautoscalers          hpa              HorizontalPodAutoscaler cronjobs                          cj               CronJob jobs                                               Job brpolices                         br,bp            BrPolicy clusters                          rcc              Cluster filesystems                       rcfs             Filesystem objectstores                      rco              ObjectStore pools                             rcp              Pool certificatesigningrequests        csr              CertificateSigningRequest leases                                             Lease events                            ev               Event daemonsets                        ds               DaemonSet deployments                       deploy           Deployment ingresses                         ing              Ingress networkpolicies                   netpol           NetworkPolicy podsecuritypolicies               psp              PodSecurityPolicy replicasets                       rs               ReplicaSet nodes                                              NodeMetrics pods                                               PodMetrics networkpolicies                   netpol           NetworkPolicy poddisruptionbudgets              pdb              PodDisruptionBudget podsecuritypolicies               psp              PodSecurityPolicy clusterrolebindings                                ClusterRoleBinding clusterroles                                       ClusterRole rolebindings                                       RoleBinding roles                                              Role volumes                           rv               Volume priorityclasses                   pc               PriorityClass storageclasses                    sc               StorageClass volumeattachments                                  VolumeAttachment 

Note: kubernate version is v1.12*

kubectl version 
like image 84
Harsimranjit Singh Kler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Harsimranjit Singh Kler

The following command list all supported API versions:

$ kubectl api-versions 

You can have a bit detailed information from kube-apiserver REST API:

Open connection to kube-apiserver

$ kubectl proxy & 

Now you can discover API resources:

This request gives you all existed paths on apiserver (in JSON format):

$ curl http://localhost:8001/      "/apis/extensions/v1beta1",     "/apis/networking.k8s.io",     "/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1",     "/apis/policy",     "/apis/policy/v1beta1",     "/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io",     "/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",  ...    "/version"   ] } 

You can request details about particular path:

curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1  ...     {       "name": "configmaps",       "singularName": "",       "namespaced": true,       "kind": "ConfigMap",       "verbs": [         "create",         "delete",         "deletecollection",         "get",         "list",         "patch",         "update",         "watch"       ],       "shortNames": [         "cm"       ]     }, ... 

This information helps you to write kubectl commands, e.g.:

$ kubectl get configmaps $ kubectl get cm 

But you may find more convenient to use built-in documentation provided by kubectl explain.

For example, this command shows you a list of Kubernetes objects:

$ kubectl explain 

You can have detailed information about any of listed resources:

$ kubectl explain rc $ kubectl explain rc.spec $ kubectl explain rc.spec.selector 

Or you can print full blown YAML template(or part) of the object by adding --recursive flag:

$ kubectl explain rc --recursive $ kubectl explain rc.metadata --recursive 

Links in the desctiption points to the documentation about particular object. E.g.:

DESCRIPTION:      If the Labels of a ReplicationController are empty, they are defaulted to      be the same as the Pod(s) that the replication controller manages. Standard      object's metadata. More info:      https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata      ObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which      includes all objects users must create. 

If you need complete description with examples you can always find it in the official API Reference (or the older version), mentioned by Matthew L Daniel

You also might find helpful kubectl Reference or kubectl Cheatsheet

Update: Using the following one-liner you can list all objects grouped by API versions (including CRDs). It may be useful to check if an object is present in more than one API group and therefore more than one apiVersion is applicable in its manifest. (For different apiVersions object configuration may be slightly different.)

a=$(kubectl api-versions) ; for n in $a ; do echo ; echo "apiVersion: $n" ; kubectl api-resources --api-group="${n%/*}" ; done 

Partial example output:

... apiVersion: autoscaling/v1 NAME                       SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP      NAMESPACED   KIND horizontalpodautoscalers   hpa          autoscaling   true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler  apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 NAME                       SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP      NAMESPACED   KIND horizontalpodautoscalers   hpa          autoscaling   true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler  apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2 NAME                       SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP      NAMESPACED   KIND horizontalpodautoscalers   hpa          autoscaling   true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler  apiVersion: batch/v1 NAME       SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP   NAMESPACED   KIND cronjobs   cj           batch      true         CronJob jobs                    batch      true         Job  apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 NAME       SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP   NAMESPACED   KIND cronjobs   cj           batch      true         CronJob jobs                    batch      true         Job  ... 
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VASャ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09