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Kubernetes Ingress (GCE) keeps returning 502 error

I am trying to setup an Ingress in GCE Kubernetes. But when I visit the IP address and path combination defined in the Ingress, I keep getting the following 502 error:

Ingress 502 error

Here is what I get when I run: kubectl describe ing --namespace dpl-staging

Name:           dpl-identity Namespace:      dpl-staging Address: Default backend:    default-http-backend:80 ( TLS:   dpl-identity terminates Rules:   Host  Path    Backends   ----  ----    --------   *         /api/identity/*     dpl-identity:4000 (<none>) Annotations:   https-forwarding-rule:    k8s-fws-dpl-staging-dpl-identity--5fc40252fadea594   https-target-proxy:       k8s-tps-dpl-staging-dpl-identity--5fc40252fadea594   url-map:          k8s-um-dpl-staging-dpl-identity--5fc40252fadea594   backends:         {"k8s-be-31962--5fc40252fadea594":"HEALTHY","k8s-be-32396--5fc40252fadea594":"UNHEALTHY"} Events:   FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From                SubObjectPath   Type        Reason  Message   --------- --------    -----   ----                -------------   --------    ------  -------   15m       15m     1   {loadbalancer-controller }          Normal      ADD dpl-staging/dpl-identity   15m       15m     1   {loadbalancer-controller }          Normal      CREATE  ip:   15m       6m      4   {loadbalancer-controller }          Normal      Service no user specified default backend, using system default 

I think the problem is dpl-identity:4000 (<none>). Shouldn't I see the IP address of the dpl-identity service instead of <none>?

Here is my service description: kubectl describe svc --namespace dpl-staging

Name:           dpl-identity Namespace:      dpl-staging Labels:         app=dpl-identity Selector:       app=dpl-identity Type:           NodePort IP:    Port:           http    4000/TCP NodePort:       http    32396/TCP Endpoints:, Session Affinity:   None No events. 

Also, here is the result of executing: kubectl describe ep -n dpl-staging dpl-identity

Name:       dpl-identity Namespace:  dpl-staging Labels:     app=dpl-identity Subsets:   Addresses:,   NotReadyAddresses:    <none>   Ports:     Name    Port    Protocol     ----    ----    --------     http    8000    TCP  No events. 

Here is my deployment.yaml:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity type: Opaque data:   tls.key: <base64 key>   tls.crt: <base64 crt> --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity   labels:     app: dpl-identity spec:   type: NodePort   ports:     - port: 4000       targetPort: 8000       protocol: TCP       name: http   selector:     app: dpl-identity --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity   labels:     app: dpl-identity   annotations:     kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "false" spec:   tls:   - secretName: dpl-identity   rules:   - http:       paths:         - path: /api/identity/*           backend:             serviceName: dpl-identity             servicePort: 4000 --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity kind: Ingress metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity   labels:     app: dpl-identity   annotations:     kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "false" spec:   tls:   - secretName: dpl-identity   rules:   - http:       paths:         - path: /api/identity/*           backend:             serviceName: dpl-identity             servicePort: 4000 --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata:   namespace: dpl-staging   name: dpl-identity   labels:     app: dpl-identity spec:   replicas: 2   strategy:     type: RollingUpdate   template:     metadata:       labels:         app: dpl-identity     spec:       containers:       - image: gcr.io/munpat-container-engine/dpl/identity:0.4.9         name: dpl-identity         ports:         - containerPort: 8000           name: http         volumeMounts:         - name: dpl-identity           mountPath: /data       volumes:       - name: dpl-identity         secret:           secretName: dpl-identity 
like image 918
Moon Avatar asked Mar 23 '17 05:03


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2 Answers

Your backend k8s-be-32396--5fc40252fadea594 is showing as "UNHEALTHY".

Ingress will not forward traffic if the backend is UNHEALTHY, this will result in the 502 error you are seeing.

It will be being marked as UNHEALTHY becuase it is not passing it's health check, you can check the health check setting for k8s-be-32396--5fc40252fadea594 to see if they are appropriate for your pod, it may be polling an URI or port that is not returning a 200 response. You can find these setting under Compute Engine > Health Checks.

If they are correct then there are many steps between your browser and the container that could be passing traffic incorrectly, you could try kubectl exec -it PODID -- bash (or ash if you are using Alpine) and then try curl-ing localhost to see if the container is responding as expected, if it is and the health checks are also configured correctly then this would narrow down the issue to likely be with your service, you could then try changing the service from a NodePort type to a LoadBalancer and see if hitting the service IP directly from your browser works.

like image 105
Simon I Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Simon I

I was having the same issue. It turns out I had to wait a few minutes before ingress to validate the service health. If someone is going to the same and done all the steps like readinessProbe and linvenessProbe, just ensure your ingress is pointing to a service that is either a NodePort, and wait a few minutes until the yellow warning icon turns into a green one. Also, check the log on StackDriver to get a better idea of what's going on. My readinessProbe and livenessProbe is on /login, for the gce class. So I don't think it has to be on /healthz.

like image 21
Mauricio Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
