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Where is main() in Android?




I am new to Android, and was studying the framework and it compelled me to ask this question. Since we are extending Activity in Android, there has to be main somewhere in Activity or there is an hidden class that Activity implements that contains main.

I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. I would appreciate if any one could give a clear idea on it.

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Basimalla Sebastin Avatar asked Feb 15 '12 12:02

Basimalla Sebastin

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1 Answers

In core Java programs we need a main() method, because while executing the byte code the JVM will search for the main() method in the class and start executing there.

In the case of Android, the Dalvik Virtual Machine (After android 5.0 DVM is replaced by Android Runtime) is designed to find a class which is a subclass of Activity and which is set as a LAUNCHER to start the execution of the application from its onCreate() method, so there is no need of a main() method.

For more information see the life cycle of Activity.

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Chandra Sekhar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Chandra Sekhar