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Where is Android AVD Manager located on Mac?





How can I run AVD Manager on Mac? I mean what is the exact file name which I should double-click on to run AVD Manager? I found android-sdk folder but can't understand where is the executable file... At the same time it is not shown in Eclipse under Window menu tab.

like image 931
user2419241 Avatar asked Jun 02 '13 01:06


People also ask

Where is AVD located Mac?

The AVD data directory, also called the content directory, is specific to a single AVD instance and contains all modifiable data for the AVD. The default location is the following, where name is the AVD name: Mac OS X and Linux - ~/. android/avd/ name .

Where can I find AVD Manager?

The AVD Manager is a tool you can use to create and manage Android virtual devices (AVDs), which define device configurations for the Android Emulator. To launch the AVD Manager: In Android Studio, select Tools > Android > AVD Manager, or click the AVD Manager icon in the toolbar.

How do I open AVD Manager from terminal?

If you're using Android Studio, then you do not need to use this tool and you can instead create and manage AVDs from the IDE. The avdmanager tool is included in the Android SDK Command-Line Tools package at android_sdk /cmdline-tools/ version /bin/avdmanager .

1 Answers

Go to <ANDROID_SDK>/tools and double-click on android, it will open. Then in the menu select Tools -> Manage AVDs.


The android command is no longer available.

For manual SDK and AVD management, please use Android Studio. For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager.

like image 189
Diego Torres Milano Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Diego Torres Milano