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Where does xhost store the allowed network addresses?




Where does xhost store the allowed network addresses?

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Dumb Questioner Avatar asked Mar 27 '09 09:03

Dumb Questioner

2 Answers

xhost simply calls XAddHost etc., which manipulates a list held by the server. See xhost/xhost.c for the client-side and xserver/os/access.c for the server-side.

You really should try to use xauth instead of xhost if possible. It keeps a list of permissible keys which can be used on a per-user, per-client basis instead of relying on just hostname (spoofable in an unfriendly environment).

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ephemient Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11


I think the addresses are stored inside the xserver.

xhost without any arguments should print out the current allowed list.

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Douglas Leeder Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 12:11

Douglas Leeder