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where does the `where` clause come in handy in Haskell

I find I quite seldom come across situations where I need to use the where clause. However, I do find that I have used it very occasionally in the past. When is the where clause used (i.e. what situations is it used in)? Under what circumstances should I use it?

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maclunian Avatar asked May 17 '11 14:05


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1 Answers

There are two excellent answers to this question available on the Haskell Wiki as well:

http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Declaration_vs._expression_style http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Let_vs._Where

Both are used to create local definitions that perhaps make use of values passed into the scope of their enclosing function, and certainly are not available outside of the context of the enclosing function. They promote code reuse and minimize duplication. Given fix and lambda, both can be desugared away entirely. Generally, I use where clauses whenever possible, and only tend to use let clauses for definitions inside a lambda or case block, or in do notation, when making use of values extracted through <- on previous lines. In general, I think declarative style is now much more prevalant than expression style in idiomatic modern Haskell code.

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sclv Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 10:11
