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Where does the "type.less" come from and why does it overwrite some of my styles?

In my simple MVC application with only one page /Home/Index (for now) I noticed that some of my styles are being overwritten by a mysterious type.less:

type.less screenshot

Chrome says the file would come from


but I couldn't find anything there.

The css files are also included in the right order so the main.css shouldn't actually be overriden:

css load order

The history of my actions:

I created a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2013 and I updated all references with the nugget-manager.

Then I and changed the following files:

(I list only changes related to css but I also added knockout and a few custom *.js files written by me)

BundleConfig.cs where I added jquery-ui.min.css:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

and my main.css

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/Custom").Include(

_Layout.cshtml to render my new bundle and excluded the modernizr because I thought I might be the reason (it didn't help):


then I excluded another three lines there to make the tyle.less go away (but it didn't work either):

    <div class="container center">

    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)*@

Index.cshtml contains only the title and html

    ViewBag.Title = "Lorem ipsum";

apart of this I didn't change anything else.

I was able to find a reference to the type.less only in the bootstrap.css.map file which is apparently minified and a long line of different styles but the file type.less physically doesn't seem to exist anywhere. I don't understand why it wants to override my css. Do you know what might cause this and how to disable it or load it before my css so that it doesn't distroy anything?

like image 985
t3chb0t Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 20:11


1 Answers

I found out that some strange bootstrap that is installed

by default in new MVC5 projects

Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC

caused all that trouble. Because I wasn't able to find how to prevent it from overwriting my styles I decided to uninstall it and finally I have my styles back.

like image 183
t3chb0t Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
