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Where does SQL Server store the stored procedure code?

I once needed the lines of the stored procedures to be able to trace whether I have a reference to some function, procedure or table, or sometimes to try to find something inside of the sp's code.

Where does SQL Server store the procedure's code?

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marcelo-ferraz Avatar asked Mar 16 '10 13:03


People also ask

Where are stored procedures stored in the database?

Stored procedure in SQLTemporary procedures are stored in tempdb, and there are two types of temporary procedures: local and global. Local procedures are only visible to the current user connection, while global procedures are visible to any user after they are created.

Where does stored procedure reside?

A stored procedure (sp) is a group of SQL requests, saved into a database. In SSMS, they can be found just near the tables. Actually in terms of software architecture, it's better to stored the T-SQL language into the database, because if a tier changes there would be no need to modify another.

How do I find stored procedure code?

First, run SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Database Engine. Next, under Object Explorer, expand the database in which you have created a procedure, and then expand “Programmability” option. Next, expand “Stored Procedures”, right-click the procedure you want and then select “View Dependencies” option.

1 Answers

Use sys.sql_modules because definition is nvarchar(max) because it will not truncate long code.

In INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column is only nvarchar(4000) so if you try view the text of a long procedure and you will see that it is truncated.

Use this to search for text in any procedure, view, function:

SELECT DISTINCT     o.name AS Object_Name,o.type_desc     FROM sys.sql_modules        m          INNER JOIN sys.objects  o ON m.object_id=o.object_id     WHERE m.definition Like '%'+@Search+'%'     ORDER BY o.type_desc,o.name  

use this to view the text of a given procedure, view, function:

select * from sys.sql_modules where object_id=object_id('YourProcedure') 
like image 140
KM. Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10