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Date range overlapping check constraint

I've a simple table in sql server 2005 with 3 columns: DateStart, DateEnd and Value. I tried to set a "table check constraint" to avoid inserting overlapping records. For instance if in such table there is a record with DateStart = 2012-01-01 (first January) and DateEnd 2012-01-15 (15th January) than Check constraint must avoid inserting a record with DateStart=2012-01-10 (no care DateEnd), a record with DateEnd=2012-01-10 (no care DateStart) or a record with DateStart 2011-12-10 and DateEnd 2012-02-01.

I defined a UDF in such way:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_checkOverlappingDateRange] (     @DateStart AS DATETIME     ,@DateEnd AS DATETIME ) RETURNS BIT  AS BEGIN   DECLARE @retval BIT   /* date range at least one day */   IF (DATEDIFF(day,@DateStart,@DateEnd) < 1)     BEGIN       SET @retval=0     END   ELSE     BEGIN       IF EXISTS         (           SELECT               *             FROM [dbo].[myTable]             WHERE             ((DateStart <= @DateStart) AND (DateEnd > @DateStart))             OR             ((@DateStart <= DateStart) AND (@DateEnd > DateStart))         )         BEGIN           SET @retval=0         END     ELSE       BEGIN             SET @retval=1           END         END   RETURN @retval END 

Then thought check could be this:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[myTable]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_OverlappingDateRange] CHECK  ([dbo].[ufn_checkOverlappingDateRange]([DateStart],[DateEnd])<>(0)) 

But even with [myTable] empty EXISTS Operator returns true when i insert first record. Where i'm wrog ? Is it possible to set a constraint like this ?

BTW I consider DateStart includes in range and DateEnd excludes from range.

like image 957
Antonio Manello Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 10:08

Antonio Manello

People also ask

How do you determine overlapping date ranges?

You can do this by swapping the ranges if necessary up front. Then, you can detect overlap if the second range start is: less than or equal to the first range end (if ranges are inclusive, containing both the start and end times); or. less than (if ranges are inclusive of start and exclusive of end).

Can check constraint be used with date data type?

Thus, you cannot define a CHECK constraint that calls SYSDATE or any other user-defined function.

1 Answers

The CHECK is being executed after the row has been inserted, so the range overlaps with itself.

You'll need to amend your WHERE to include something like: @MyTableId <> MyTableId.

BTW, your WHERE expression can be simplified.

Ranges don't overlap if:

  • end of the one range is before the start of the other
  • or start of the one range is after the end of the other.

Which could be written in SQL like:

WHERE @DateEnd < DateStart OR DateEnd < @DateStart 

Negate that to get the ranges that do overlap...

WHERE NOT (@DateEnd < DateStart OR DateEnd < @DateStart) 

...which according to De Morgan's laws is the same as...

WHERE NOT (@DateEnd < DateStart) AND NOT (DateEnd < @DateStart) 

...which is the same as:

WHERE @DateEnd >= DateStart AND DateEnd >= @DateStart 

So your final WHERE should be:

WHERE     @MyTableId <> MyTableId     AND @DateEnd >= DateStart     AND DateEnd >= @DateStart 

[SQL Fiddle]

NOTE: to allow ranges to "touch", use <= in the starting expression, which would produce > in the final expression.

like image 64
Branko Dimitrijevic Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Branko Dimitrijevic