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Where Does Entity Framework 6 Get Connection String For Migrations?

I'm using EntityFramework 6 code first with migrations. I have two projects -- UI and BusinessLogic. UI is a .NET MVC web application with a dependency on BusinessLogic, which is a class library. WebUI has the config section including connection string. BusinessLogic also has the following config section (with no connection strings provided) and contains the actual code first Migration classes:

<entityFramework> <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" /> <providers> <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" /> </providers> </entityFramework>

In Package Manager Console when I run update-database -ProjectName BusinessLogic it somehow knows to use the connection string from my UI project.

In an attempt to understand how/why this was happening, I attached the debugger to the constructor of my DbContext class like this:

public MyDbContext() : base(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting(CONNECTION_STRING_KEY, false))
  //--launch the debugger

Now with the debugger launched and a breakpoint in the DbContext constructor, I can evaluate AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory which yields:

C:\\someRepoLocation\\Source\\BusinessLogic\\bin\\Debug\\ This seems to indicate that the current app domain is BusinessLogic.

However, evaluating AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile yields: C:\\someRepoLocation\\Source\\UI\\tmpD442.tmp

So the current app domain is BusinessLogic, but it is using some .tmp configuration file in the root UI folder? Wat?

Can anyone explain how/why this works without having a connection string providing in the app.config of BusinessLogic (where the Migrations exist)? I was expecting I'd have to set a connection string in the BusinessLogic class library's app.config -- but I'm happy not to do this if this is the expected behavior. Looking forward to hear what is the explanation!

like image 422
jakejgordon Avatar asked Jan 31 '18 02:01


1 Answers

Through some testing of my own, I've discovered that the config that is used during an update-database call is the currently set start-up project.

In my case, I set up a console application to do some batch work, and while debugging through the seed, I noticed the same behavior as you noted. Swapping the start up project is what changes the active configuration.

like image 86
DavidAndroidDev Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11
