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Where do the Python unit tests go? [closed]

If you're writing a library, or an app, where do the unit test files go?

It's nice to separate the test files from the main app code, but it's awkward to put them into a "tests" subdirectory inside of the app root directory, because it makes it harder to import the modules that you'll be testing.

Is there a best practice here?

like image 949
readonly Avatar asked Sep 14 '08 05:09


People also ask

How does Python unit test work?

A unit test is a test that checks a single component of code, usually modularized as a function, and ensures that it performs as expected. Unit tests are an important part of regression testing to ensure that the code still functions as expected after making changes to the code and helps ensure code stability.

When unit testing is executed?

Who performs Unit Testing? Unit testing is the first software testing phase in SDLC and it is usually taken up during the development of the application. These unit test cases are written and executed by software developers.

Does Unittest run tests in order?

Note that the order in which the various test cases will be run is determined by sorting the test function names with respect to the built-in ordering for strings.

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An exception object is created when a Python script raises an exception. If the script explicitly doesn't handle the exception, the program will be forced to terminate abruptly.

2 Answers

For a file module.py, the unit test should normally be called test_module.py, following Pythonic naming conventions.

There are several commonly accepted places to put test_module.py:

  1. In the same directory as module.py.
  2. In ../tests/test_module.py (at the same level as the code directory).
  3. In tests/test_module.py (one level under the code directory).

I prefer #1 for its simplicity of finding the tests and importing them. Whatever build system you're using can easily be configured to run files starting with test_. Actually, the default unittest pattern used for test discovery is test*.py.

like image 189
user6868 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


Only 1 test file

If there has only 1 test files, putting it in a top-level directory is recommended:

module/     lib/         __init__.py         module.py     test.py 

Run the test in CLI

python test.py 

Many test files

If has many test files, put it in a tests folder:

module/     lib/         __init__.py         module.py     tests/         test_module.py         test_module_function.py 
# test_module.py  import unittest from lib import module  class TestModule(unittest.TestCase):     def test_module(self):         pass  if __name__ == '__main__':     unittest.main() 

Run the test in CLI

# In top-level /module/ folder python -m tests.test_module python -m tests.test_module_function 

Use unittest discovery

unittest discovery will find all test in package folder.

Create a __init__.py in tests/ folder

module/     lib/         __init__.py         module.py     tests/         __init__.py         test_module.py         test_module_function.py 

Run the test in CLI

# In top-level /module/ folder  # -s, --start-directory (default current directory) # -p, --pattern (default test*.py)  python -m unittest discover 


  • pytest Good Practices for test layout
  • unittest

Unit test framework

  • nose
  • nose2
  • pytest
like image 39
Steely Wing Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Steely Wing