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Where do I get an x509 certificate from?

I'm currently trying to create a chat based on the SslStream class. I was going through that msdn link: click here

I realized that I need to get an X509Certificate to establish that task. But I really don't know how can I get one? I know that there are ones who cost money, but there aren't free ones available?

P.S: I'm coming here after doing some search in google about that subject but haven't found any helpfull infomation.

So my question is: Where can I get an x509 certificate?

Thank you.

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idish Avatar asked Jul 13 '12 19:07


1 Answers

You can create certificates with the makecert tool.

Or, if your're only interested in encrypting the traffic, without signing it, and you control the client and the server, just use a CryptoStream.

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Jordão Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
