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Where do I find a copy of Zend PHP Debugger for PHP 5.4?

I'm trying to find a copy of the Zend debugger for PHP 5.4.

I've followed the various tutorials on the web telling me to download the Studio Web Debugger from the zend website, but unfortunately it only contains the binaries for PHP 5.3 (and below). I can't seem to find any mention anywhere of the Zend Debugger for PHP 5.4 ... it seems like they no longer make it and instead want you to use their full Server product instead.

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Harry Muscle Avatar asked Apr 04 '13 21:04

Harry Muscle

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1 Answers

Amazingly, Zend, "The PHP Company", will sell you Zend Studio, but they will not package a 5.4 version of the Studio Debugger in the related download. I would think they could get an updated version out since 5.4 has been released for over a year...

In any event, a work around has been making the rounds on the Internets.

Here is a full set of instructions for a Debian based system.

It was based largely on this Zend Forum post... http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?t=47568&f=59#p148893

The gist is to lift a 5.4 debugger file from an old Zend Server download an use it instead.

Many thanks to the original posters.

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Jim Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10
