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How to inherit parent class array properties by merging array?

I often use properties in my classes that store an array of options. I'd like to be able to somehow merge those options from defaults declared in a parent class.

I demonstrated with some code.

class A
    public $options = array('display'=>false,'name'=>'John');

class B extends A
    public $options = array('name'=>'Mathew');

Now when I create B, then I'd like $options to contain a merged array from A::options

What happens now is this.

$b = new B();

I would like something like this using array_merge_recursive().

  • Maybe it's something I could do in the constructor?
  • Is it possible to make this a behavior of class A? So that I don't always have to implement the same code in all subclasses.
  • Could I use reflection to auto find array properties in both classes and merge them?
like image 793
Reactgular Avatar asked Jan 19 '13 18:01


1 Answers

In addition to the previous answers, another approach that may be suited for certain cases would be to use PHP Reflection or built-in class functions. Here is a basic example using the latter:

class Organism
    public $settings;
    public $defaults = [
        'living' => true,
        'neocortex' => false,
    public function __construct($options = [])
        $class = get_called_class();
        while ($class = get_parent_class($class)) {
            $this->defaults += get_class_vars($class)['defaults'];
        $this->settings = $options + $this->defaults;
class Animal extends Organism
    public $defaults = [
        'motile' => true,
class Mammal extends Animal
    public $defaults = [
        'neocortex' => true,

$fish = new Animal();
print_r($fish->settings); // motile: true, living: true, neocortex: false
$human = new Mammal(['speech' => true]);
print_r($human->settings); // motile: true, living: true, neocortex: true, speech: true
like image 149
Synexis Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
