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Where are logs in Spark on YARN?

I'm new to spark. Now I can run spark 0.9.1 on yarn (2.0.0-cdh4.2.1). But there is no log after execution.

The following command is used to run a spark example. But logs are not found in the history server as in a normal MapReduce job.

SPARK_JAR=./assembly/target/scala-2.10/spark-assembly-0.9.1-hadoop2.0.0-cdh4.2.1.jar \ ./bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client --jar ./spark-example-1.0.0.jar \ --class SimpleApp --args yarn-standalone  --num-workers 3 --master-memory 1g \ --worker-memory 1g --worker-cores 1 

where can I find the logs/stderr/stdout?

Is there someplace to set the configuration? I did find an output from console saying:

14/04/14 18:51:52 INFO Client: Command for the ApplicationMaster: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -server -Xmx640m -Djava.io.tmpdir=$PWD/tmp org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster --class SimpleApp --jar ./spark-example-1.0.0.jar --args 'yarn-standalone' --worker-memory 1024 --worker-cores 1 --num-workers 3 1> <LOG_DIR>/stdout 2> <LOG_DIR>/stderr

In this line, notice 1> $LOG_DIR/stdout 2> $LOG_DIR/stderr

Where can LOG_DIR be set?

like image 640
DeepNightTwo Avatar asked Apr 14 '14 11:04


People also ask

How do you check YARN logs in Spark?

You can access the logs by using the Spark Application UI from the Analyze page and Notebooks page.

Where do Spark logs go?

Log directories The default SPARK_WORKER_LOG_DIR location is /var/log/spark/worker. The default log directory for starting the Spark SQL Thrift server is $HOME/spark-thrift-server. Spark Shell and application logs are output to the console. Log configuration files are located in the same directory as spark-env.sh.

1 Answers

You can access logs through the command

yarn logs -applicationId <application ID> [OPTIONS]

general options are:

  • appOwner <Application Owner> - AppOwner (assumed to be current user if not specified)
  • containerId <Container ID> - ContainerId (must be specified if node address is specified)
  • nodeAddress <Node Address> - NodeAddress in the format nodename:port (must be specified if container id is specified)


yarn logs -applicationId application_1414530900704_0003                                       yarn logs -applicationId application_1414530900704_0003 myuserid  // the user ids are different yarn logs -applicationId <appid> -appOwner <userid> 
like image 146
MARK Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10