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Where are Google Application Default Credentials stored?

When you run gcloud auth login or gcloud auth list, where is it storing the credentials?


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Cameron Taggart Avatar asked Oct 13 '16 23:10

Cameron Taggart

People also ask

Where are gcloud credentials stored?

Configuring/Using Credentials Via Cloud Sdk Distribution Of Gsutil. When gsutil is installed/used via the Cloud SDK ("gcloud"), credentials are stored by Cloud SDK in a non-user-editable file located under ~/. config/gcloud (any manipulation of credentials should be done via the gcloud auth command).

Where is Application_default_credentials?

Well-Know-File: A JSON file in a location known to the gcloud command-line tool. On Windows, this is %APPDATA%/gcloud/application_default_credentials.

What is Google account credentials?

Credentials are the means of identifying an application or user to a service or API. Credentials can be obtained with three different types of accounts: service accounts, user accounts and external accounts. Credentials from service accounts identify a particular application.

Where is gcloud config stored Windows?

Configurations are stored in your user config directory (typically ~/. config/gcloud on MacOS and Linux, or %APPDATA%\gcloud on Windows); you can find the location of your config directory by running gcloud info --format='value(config.

2 Answers

I found them. They are in ~/.config/gcloud/credentials. I was able to pass the default credentials to the docker image I'm working on by mounting them docker run --rm -it -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud alpine:3.4 sh.

like image 193
Cameron Taggart Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Cameron Taggart




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RJFalconer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
