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JAX-RS: How to secure REST endpoints?

I am using JBoss AS and JAX-RS for creating REST endpoints.

Lets say my class looks like

public class UserResource {

  public Response getAccount() {
    return "hello";

Now getAccount is not authenticated at the moment

- I would like to add authentication so that when code hits getAccount the user is authenticated
- I would like the authentication to be driven by annotations instead of XML configurations, if at all possible
- I would like to do the database comparison to see if the user is valid

- I have never done that so I have no idea how to implement it
- I have googled around a lot and found Jersey examples

- I would like to send authentication credentials with each request and not creating any session

Please guide me with one simple working example and I would try to extend from there

like image 916
daydreamer Avatar asked Aug 06 '13 16:08


People also ask

Is spring REST JAX-RS compliant?

Spring Framework The REST capabilities are provided by the Spring MVC module (same module that provides model-view-controller capabilities). It is not a JAX-RS implementation and can be seen as a Spring alternative to the JAX-RS standard.

1 Answers

You need is a Stateless Spring Security configuration in front of your JAX RS end points. I have addressed exact problem you are trying to solve but I don't have my own code to share..

Here is one project which has done the exact thing you are asking, Some wise man has done it all for you ;)


What is the magic ?

  1. You have one unprotected URL which does the Authentication, and set the user roles as well..
  2. Then you return some kind of Token, put it some where in cache which will be expected on every subsequent call..
  3. Upon new request on other protected resources, you will check if the Token is present in your cache/session store ( you need some mechanism to keep track of valid tokens )
  4. If token is resent and valid, you do the programmatic Log-in in Spring Security which ensures that you can use all the Security features spring provides, ( Annotations, JSTL Tags etc.. ) !
  5. Once passed token validation you will get the logged in user details in your controllers ( aka JAX RS resources ) to deal with security further..
  6. If the token was not valid or not present , it would be trapped by failure end point which would return appropriate response ( 401 )

Refer Following Link To Understand How Stateless Spring Security is configured.., https://github.com/philipsorst/angular-rest-springsecurity/blob/master/src/main/resources/context.xml

See how a user is validated for the first time and a token is generated.. https://github.com/philipsorst/angular-rest-springsecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/net/dontdrinkandroot/example/angularrestspringsecurity/rest/resources/UserResource.java

Here is the class where programmatic login is performed on every request after token check.. https://github.com/philipsorst/angular-rest-springsecurity/blob/master/src/main/java/net/dontdrinkandroot/example/angularrestspringsecurity/rest/AuthenticationTokenProcessingFilter.java

like image 117
Rakesh Waghela Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09

Rakesh Waghela