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When using scrollTo ListView does not refresh, but when manually scrolling it refreshes

I have different colors for different lines in the ListView, by setting the color of textbox depending on the line number (in getView() of Adapter). Now when I manually scroll the ListView upwards the correct color is displayed in the bottom lines that get revealed. But when I use scrollTo, this doesnot happen, all lines revealed have the same color (they are not updated).

Has anybody faced this issue? This seems baffling!

like image 582
Coder Primary Avatar asked Feb 17 '13 16:02

Coder Primary

1 Answers

ListView#scrollTo doesn't scroll the list contents. (It's a standard View method, and not specific to lists at all: it scrolls the ListView view itself.)

Instead, try using ListView#setSelectionFromTop(0, int y) to scroll.

API 19+ has a ListView#scrollListBy(int y) method if you're programming for KitKat and up.

like image 139
Makario Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11
