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When using jQuery .each(), is it possible to use a non-anonymous function?

I have this code block I find particularly long and hard to udnerstood : the call stack is full of implicit functions and paramters implicitely added to it. in other words, i would like to clarify my code by separating the function called in the each from the each itself.

Look that example :

$(xml).find('group').each(function () {
    var groupName = $(this).attr('name');
    // There is here around 100 lines of codes I would like to split in 
    // at least five functions, And I'm sure it is possible to use named functions
    // instead of implicit ones, no ?
like image 211
Riduidel Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 15:04


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What is the use of .each () function in jQuery ? The each () function in jQuery iterate through both objects and arrays. Arrays that have length property are traversed from the index 0 to length-1 and whereas arrays like objects are traversed via their properties names. $.each ('array or object', function (index, value) { // Your code })

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This means that there’s no strict equality between the value and the context. The first argument is the current index, which is either a number (for arrays) or string (for objects). 1. Basic jQuery.each () Function Example

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It’s very useful for multi-element DOM manipulation, as well as iterating over arbitrary arrays and object properties. In addition to this function, jQuery provides a helper function with the same name that can be called without having previously selected or created any DOM elements.

2 Answers

Try passing function reference

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function myfun(i, item)
like image 100
Adil Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10


You could also just do:

like image 3
iamtooamazing Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
