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When to use run-time type information?

If I have various subclasses of something, and an algorithm which operates on instances of those subclasses, and if the behaviour of the algorithm varies slightly depending on what particular subclass an instance is, then the most usual object-oriented way to do this is using virtual methods.

For example if the subclasses are DOM nodes, and if the algorithm is to insert a child node, that algorithm differs depending on whether the parent node is a DOM element (which can have children) or DOM text (which can't): and so the insertChildren method may be virtual (or abstract) in the DomNode base class, and implemented differently in each of the DomElement and DomText subclasses.

Another possibility is give the instances a common property, whose value can be read: for example the algorithm might read the nodeType property of the DomNode base class; or for another example, you might have different types (subclasses) of network packet, which share a common packet header, and you can read the packet header to see what type of packet it is.

I haven't used run-time-type information much, including:

  • The is and as keywords in C#
  • Downcasting
  • The Object.GetType method in dot net
  • The typeid operator in C++

When I'm adding a new algorithm which depends on the type of subclass, I tend instead to add a new virtual method to the class hierarchy.

My question is, when is it appropriate to use run-time-type information, instead of virtual functions?

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ChrisW Avatar asked Oct 05 '09 14:10


2 Answers

When there's no other way around. Virtual methods are always preferred but sometimes they just can't be used. There's couple of reasons why this could happen but most common one is that you don't have source code of classes you want to work with or you can't change them. This often happens when you work with legacy system or with closed source commercial library.

In .NET it might also happens that you have to load new assemblies on the fly, like plugins and you generally have no base classes but have to use something like duck typing.

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vava Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09


In C++, among some other obscure cases (which mostly deal with inferior design choices), RTTI is a way to implement so-called multi methods.

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sbi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
