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How to use same interface two times with diferrent template parameters, in an interface?




I Think it would be more clearer with this example. We Want to see two methods with diferrent parameters in the processor class. "int Process (int value);" "double Process (double value);"

But compiler says for IRoot : 'Generics.IRoot' cannot implement both 'Generics.IProcess' and 'Generics.IProcess' because they may unify for some type parameter substitutions.

public class Processor : IRoot<int, double, int, double>
    // Here we want 2 methods
    public int Process(int item) { }
    public double Process(double item) { }

public interface IProcess<TResult, TItem>
    TResult Process(TItem item);

public interface IRoot<TR1, TR2, TItem1, TItem2> :
    IProcess<TR1, TItem1>,
    IProcess<TR2, TItem2>

like image 492
jack-london Avatar asked Aug 17 '09 09:08


1 Answers

So after posting my first answer to this question (#1), I then realized that one often might want to be able to convert a value from a differentiated interface to a non-differentiated interface. In other words, one wants to do the following

IProcessWithDifferentiator<TRes, TItem, TDiff> : IProcess<TRes, TItem>

but we cannot because we'll run into the same error (types might unify) when using the interface.

I note that the OP did not specifically ask for this, but one can see that it would be next logical scenario.

So, back to the drawing board, and returning with an ugly solution for this, which is that of having a method return the down converted type, and a proxy to support construction of such methods. (The only mitigation of ugliness is that the proxy class can be somewhat reused as shown below.) Following is the result of this exercise.

public interface Second { }
public interface Third { }

public class Processor : IRoot<float, int, double, float, int, double>
    // Here we want 3 methods
    public float Process ( float item ) { System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...float Process..." ); return (float) (item - 55.75); }
    public int Process ( int item ) { System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...int Process..." ); return item + 1; }
    public double Process ( double item ) { System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...double Process..." ); return item + 10.748; }

    IProcess<int, int> IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>.ConvertToBase ()
        return new TP_Proxy<int, int, Second> ( this );

    IProcess<double, double> IProcessWithDifferentiator<double, double, Third>.ConvertToBase ()
        return new TP_Proxy<double, double, Third> ( this );

public class TestProcessor : IRoot<int, int, int, int, int, int>
    int IProcess<int, int>.Process ( int item )
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...int Process1..." ); return item - 11;
    int IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>.Process ( int item )
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...int Process2..." ); return item + 12;
    int IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Third>.Process ( int item )
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "  ...int Process3..." ); return item + 100302;

    IProcess<int, int> IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>.ConvertToBase ()
        return new TP_Proxy<int, int, Second> ( this );

    IProcess<int, int> IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Third>.ConvertToBase ()
        return new TP_Proxy<int, int, Third> ( this );

public interface IProcess<TResult, TItem>
    TResult Process ( TItem item );

public interface IProcessWithDifferentiator<TResult, TItem, TDiff> // would love to ": IProcess<TResult, TItem>" here but won't work above
    TResult Process ( TItem item ); // replicated method from IProcess... yuck(!)
    IProcess<TResult, TItem> ConvertToBase ();

// Having a proxy sucks.  But at least this proxy is shared among multiple classes implementing the IProcess concept.
class TP_Proxy<TResult, TItem, TDiff> : IProcess<TResult, TItem>
    public TP_Proxy ( IProcessWithDifferentiator<TResult, TItem, TDiff> px ) { _proxyTo = px; }
    private IProcessWithDifferentiator<TResult, TItem, TDiff> _proxyTo;
    TResult IProcess<TResult, TItem>.Process ( TItem item ) { return _proxyTo.Process ( item ); }

public interface IRoot<TR1, TR2, TR3, TItem1, TItem2, TItem3> :
    IProcess<TR1, TItem1>,
    IProcessWithDifferentiator<TR2, TItem2, Second>,
    IProcessWithDifferentiator<TR3, TItem3, Third>

class Program
    static void Main ( string [] args )
        Processor p = new Processor ();
        // Direct conversion of first one, of course
        IProcess<float, float> a1 = p;
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "a1 .Process(3.3)   =    " + a1.Process ( (float) 3.3 ) );

        // Conversion of differentiated class
        IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second> a2 = ((IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>) p);
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "a2d.Process(4)     =    " + a2.Process ( 4 ) );
        IProcessWithDifferentiator<double, double, Third> a3 = (IProcessWithDifferentiator<double, double, Third>) p;
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "a3d.Process(5.5)   =    " + a3.Process ( 5.5 ) );

        // Conversions to undifferentiated class using ugly proxies
        IProcess<int, int> a2u = ((IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>) p).ConvertToBase ();
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "a2u.Process(4)     =    " + a2u.Process ( 4 ) );
        IProcess<double, double> a3u = ((IProcessWithDifferentiator<double, double, Third>) p).ConvertToBase ();
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "a3u.Process(5.5)   =    " + a3u.Process ( 5.5 ) );

        TestProcessor q = new TestProcessor ();

        IProcess<int, int> b1 = q;
        // Direct conversion of first one, of course
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "b1 .Process(3)     =    " + b1.Process ( 3 ) );

        // Conversion of differentiated class
        IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second> b2d = (IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>) q;
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "b2d.Process(4)     =    " + b2d.Process ( 4 ) );
        IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Third> b3d = (IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Third>) q;
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "b3d.Process(5)     =    " + b3d.Process ( 5 ) );

        // Conversions to undifferentiated class using ugly proxies
        IProcess<int, int> b2u = ((IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Second>) q).ConvertToBase ();
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "b2u.Process(4)     =    " + b2u.Process ( 4 ) );
        IProcess<int, int> b3u = ((IProcessWithDifferentiator<int, int, Third>) q).ConvertToBase ();
        System.Console.WriteLine ( "b3u.Process(5)     =    " + b3u.Process ( 5 ) );

        System.Console.ReadLine ();

The output is as follows:

  ...float Process...
a1 .Process(3.3)   =    -52.45
  ...int Process...
a2d.Process(4)     =    5
  ...double Process...
a3d.Process(5.5)   =    16.248
  ...int Process...
a2u.Process(4)     =    5
  ...double Process...
a3u.Process(5.5)   =    16.248
  ...int Process1...
b1 .Process(3)     =    -8
  ...int Process2...
b2d.Process(4)     =    16
  ...int Process3...
b3d.Process(5)     =    100307
  ...int Process2...
b2u.Process(4)     =    16
  ...int Process3...
b3u.Process(5)     =    100307
like image 76
Erik Eidt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10

Erik Eidt