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.NET: recommended video tutorial for LINQ? [closed]






Can you recommend a single downloadable video (one that you have actually watched and that you think is of high quality) introducing LINQ (not to be confused with "LINQ to SQL") to a somewhat experienced VB.NET/C# developer?

It could be a screen-cast showing real code.

"Downloadable" includes YouTube and ShowMeDo (Flash video) as there are ways to do this. A streaming-only video is not acceptable.

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Peter Mortensen Avatar asked Aug 10 '09 13:08

Peter Mortensen

People also ask

Is LINQ to SQL obsolete?

LINQ to SQL was the first object-relational mapping technology released by Microsoft. It works well in basic scenarios and continues to be supported in Visual Studio, but it's no longer under active development.

Is LINQ easy to learn?

LINQ is extensible so new types of data sources can be made querable. LINQ is composable in nature and it can be used to solve complex problems into a series of short, comprehensible queries that are easy to debug. LINQ is declarative, it is very easy to understand and maintain.

Is LINQ better than stored procedure?

Stored procedures are faster as compared to LINQ query since they have a predictable execution plan and can take the full advantage of SQL features. Hence, when a stored procedure is being executed next time, the database used the cached execution plan to execute that stored procedure.

Is LINQ inefficient?

It is slightly slowerLINQ syntax is typically less efficient than a foreach loop. It's good to be aware of any performance tradeoff that might occur when you use LINQ to improve the readability of your code. And if you'd like to measure the performance difference, you can use a tool like BenchmarkDotNet to do so.

1 Answers

Check out LINQ Videos (www.asp.net).

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Shyju Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
