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When to use Mono<List<Object>> and when Flux<Object> for RestController method

I'm using Spring web-flux with Reactor and for me is not clear when RestController method should return

Mono <List<Object>> and when Flux<Object>.

Could you provide some case when to use each of them?

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Aleksandr Filichkin Avatar asked Oct 24 '18 09:10

Aleksandr Filichkin

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Project Reactor is the implementation of Reactive Streams specification. Reactor provides two types: Mono: implements Publisher and returns 0 or 1 elements. Flux: implements Publisher and returns N elements.

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1 Answers

Flux<Object> indicates that new Object instances can be pushed in a reactive way at any point. With Mono<List<Object>>, you will get 1 time a value that is a list of objects, but that list will never change.

See also Mono vs Flux in Reactive Stream

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Wim Deblauwe Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Wim Deblauwe