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Spring Tool Suite (STS) - Can not import using Gradle (Buildship)

Please, let me start by saying that I am aware of the following question: Spring STS does not work with Gradle. However, the answer does not resolve my issue.

Here is information about my configuration and the issue.

Java: java version "1.8.0_111"

OS: Win 10 Home

Eclipse: Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Neon Release (4.6.0) Build id: 20160613-1800

Software installed in Eclipse:

enter image description here

I also installed the legacy extension as advised in the question mentioned above. enter image description here


I try to create a new Gradle (buildship) via the Spring Getting Started Content but I keep getting the error: "Can not import using Gradle (Buildship) because Buildship Gradle Tooling is not installed. You can install it from Eclipse Marketplace".

enter image description here

I am unable to resolve this issue. Any suggestions how to resolve this?

Thank you!

like image 884
BustedSanta Avatar asked Jan 13 '17 18:01


People also ask

How do I import a Gradle project into STS?

Step 1: Open your Eclipse IDE and go to File » Import. Step 2: Search for Gradle, expand the folder and go to Gradle » Existing Gradle Project » Next. Step 3: Specify the root directory of the Gradle project to import and click on the Next button.

What is Gradle Buildship?

Eclipse Buildship is a collection of Eclipse plug-ins that provide support for building software using Gradle. Buildship aims to provide a deep integration of Gradle into Eclipse. Buildship also aims to make the Eclipse IDE more powerful by allowing the user to do more from within the IDE.

How do I run Gradle in STS?

Right-click on the project and click Gradle (STS) | Tasks Quick Launcher to run the Gradle Task Launcher .

1 Answers

This has been resolved. See the issue update at https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/90

To install STS update from snapshot site, got to Help > Install New Software and add the update site https://dist.springframework.org/snapshot/IDE/nightly as mentioned in the issue ticket.

Worked for me.

like image 87
hemu Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10
