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When to use "chore" as type of commit message?

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What does chore mean in commit message?

refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature. perf: A code change that improves performance. test: Adding missing tests. chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation.

What should your commit message be?

The commit message should describe what changes our commit makes to the behavior of the code, not what changed in the code. We can see what changed in the diff with the previous commit, so we don't need to repeat it in the commit message. But to understand what behavior changed, a commit message can be helpful.

Why should you use conventional commits?

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of.

What should be the first commit message?

Usually the first commit is named "Initial commit". As best practice its include a README file describing the project. The README is usually is a md file. You can put any code you wish as well.

You can see a short definition in "Git Commit Msg":

chore: updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change

It is used in:

  • "Semantic Commit Messages" and in

  • the project "fteem/git-semantic-commits".

       git chore "commit-message-here" -> git commit -m 'chore: commit-message-here' 

Modifying the .gitignore would be part of the "chores".

"grunt task" means nothing that an external user would see:

  • implementation (of an existing feature, which doesn't involve a fix),
  • configuration (like the .gitignore or .gitattributes),
  • private internal methods...

Although Owen S mentions in the comments:

Looking at the Karma page you link to, I suspect that grunt task may refer specifically to Javascript's build tool grunt.
In which case, they probably didn't have in mind changes involving implementation or private internal methods, but rather tool changes, configuration changes, and changes to things that do not actually go into production at all.
(Our shop currently uses it for those, and also for simple refactoring.)