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When to use $ and when not to

I have selected a control using the following variable

var txt = $("#text1");

Now when I have to handle events on the textbox, do I have to reference it as $(txt) or txt will do

$(txt).keydown(function() {})



What is the advantage. Please explain it taking the variable txt as the context.

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KJai Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 06:11


2 Answers

If txt is already equal to a jquery object, there is no need to use $(txt) as it's just extra processing to return the same thing.

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CaffGeek Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 00:12


The best approach is to declare your variables so know what they are. Basically, what I'm saying is apply some apps hungarian and prefix your jQuery variables with a $

var $text1 = $("#text1");  // this is a jQuery object
var text1 = $text1[0];     // this is not
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Peter Bailey Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 22:12

Peter Bailey