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Can I handle alert inside UIWebViewDelegate?

<script language="javascript">
    alert("Hell! UIWebView!");

I can see the alert message inside my UIWebView but can I handle this situation?


I'm loading a web-page into my UIWebView:

- (void)login {
    NSString *requestText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @"%@?user=%@&password=%@", DEFAULT_URL, user.name, user.password];    // YES, I'm using GET request to send password :)
    NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:requestText]];
    [webView loadRequest:request];

The target page contain a JS. If user name or password is incorrect this JS show alert. I have not any access to its sources. I want to handle it inside my UIWebViewDelegate.

like image 368
Pavel Yakimenko Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 06:11

Pavel Yakimenko

1 Answers

A better solution to this problem is to create a Category for UIWebView for the method


So that you can handle the alert event in any way that you'd like. I did this because I don't like the default behavior of UIWebView when it puts the filename of the source in the UIAlertView title. The Category looks something like this,

@interface UIWebView (JavaScriptAlert) 

- (void)webView:(UIWebView *)sender runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message initiatedByFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;


@implementation UIWebView (JavaScriptAlert)

- (void)webView:(UIWebView *)sender runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message initiatedByFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {
    UIAlertView* dialogue = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:message delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Okay" otherButtonTitles:nil];
    [dialogue show];
    [dialogue autorelease];

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Boog Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 18:12
