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When to start to use source control in early stages of development?

We have 2 kinds of people at my shop:

  1. The ones that starts to check-in the code since the first successful compilation.
  2. The others that only checks-in the code when the project is almost done.

I am part of group 1, and trying to convince people of group 2 to act like me. Their arguments are like the following:

  1. I'm the solo developer of this project.
  2. It's just a prototype, maybe I'll have to rewrite from scratch again.
  3. I don't want to pollute the Source Control with incomplete versions.

If I am right, please help me to raise arguments to convince them. If you agree with them tell me why.

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Jader Dias Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 21:11

Jader Dias

1 Answers

When someone asked for good excuses not to use version control, they got 75 answers and 45 upvotes.

And when they asked Why should my team adopt source control, they got 26 answers.

Maybe you'll find something helpful there.

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DOK Avatar answered Jun 09 '23 18:06