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Is there a best practice to not forget SVN Add new files with Tortoise SVN?

We've been using Source Safe for years. Now we use Tortoise SVN. It's quite a problem to not forget to add new files to the repository - Source Safe had integration with Visual Studio but I don't see any for Tortoise SVN and so I often forget to add files and this breaks the build.

Is there some industry-wide practice for simplifying adding new files? Maybe some Tortoise SVN command like "show me all unversioned files"?

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sharptooth Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 15:11


2 Answers

In the Commit window, there's a checkbox in the lower left "Show unversioned files." Check it, and you'll see everything that hasn't been added to the repository. You'll want to use this in conjunction with either global ignores which are in Tortiose's settings, or with svn ignores (right click on the file, add to ignore list).

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Matt Kellogg Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 05:12

Matt Kellogg

One really good (and free) VisualStudio integration for svn is ANKH Svn. If you add files or projects to a solution it automatically adds it to the svn and commits them like you are used to from Tortoise. There is a "pending changes" window which also shows added files which haven't been comitted yet.

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tobsen Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 05:12
