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When thread in Java is removed from memory? [duplicate]

From the Java API doc:

The Java Virtual Machine continues to execute threads until following occurs:

All threads that are not daemon threads have died, either by returning from the call to the run method or by throwing an exception that propagates beyond the run method.

I hope my assumption is correct that once thread finishes its run() method it becomes eligible for garbage collection. In the same context I am just curious to know about:

  1. If it doesn't become eligible for garbage collection after returning from run(), should one set its reference to null to do that?
  2. Being eligible for garbage collection doesn't necessarily mean that the object will be removed from memory. It is at the sole discretion of the underlying operating system / JVM when it is garbage collected. But how can one make sure (either through a Java program or external tool) that the object is completely removed from the memory?
  3. If a thread is said to be dead once it finishes its run() method, why can I still be able to execute isAlive() or getState() on the same thread object? Both the calls return false and RUNNABLE respectively.
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ParagJ Avatar asked Feb 04 '15 10:02


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Heap is the shared memory area among threads where all the objects live. Stack is the private memory area allocated to each of the running thread. All the objects created within a Java application is allocated space in memory called Heap.

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It mostly deletes itself. The native thread (OS resource) is typically1 destroyed, and the thread stack memory segments (OS resource) are typically deleted.

2 Answers

The Thread class is a proxy for the real thread which is in native memory.

I hope my assumption is correct that once thread finishes its run() method it becomes eligible for garbage collection.

There is actually a bit of code after run(), this code handles uncaught exceptions.

Once the thread dies its native memory and stack are freed immediately without needing a GC. However, the Thread object is like any other object and it lives until it is GC has decided it can be free e.g. there is no strong reference to it.

Similarly, a FileOutputStream is a proxy for a file in the operating system. You can still have a reference to the object even after the file has been close() or even deleted.

If it doesn't become eligible for garbage collection after returning from run(), should one set its reference to null to do that?

You rarely need to do this anywhere. In fact it is often simpler not keep a reference to the thread in the first place, or to use an ExecutorService to manage your threads.

When I have an object which has a Thread field I often have this object die when the thread dies, thus the field doesn't need to be nulled out.

I also use the built in thread pool used for Fork/Join. This is a more light weight way to perform tasks in a background thread as it doesn't create and destroy threads so much.

ExecutorService fjp = ForkJoinPool.commonPool();

Being eligible for garbage collection doesn't necessarily mean that the object will be removed from memory. It is at the sole discretion of the underlying operating system / JVM when it is garbage collected. But how can one make sure (either through a Java program or external tool) that the object is completely removed from the memory?

You can't and generally shouldn't try. The GC will clean up resources when it needs to.

If a thread is said to be dead once it finishes its run() method, why can I still be able to execute isAlive() or getState() on the same thread object? Both the calls return false and RUNNABLE respectively.

The thread object is like any other object. You can call methods on it for as long as you hold a reference to it.

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Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

Peter Lawrey

It seems that you are tripping on the common pitfall with unterstanding threads in Java: the thread itself is not a Java object. It is a native resource (thread of execution). It will be "removed from memory" as soon as it has finished running its code.

The instance of Thread, on the other hand, is just a plain Java object with the same lifecycle as any other object—except for the extra rule that it stays reachable at least as long as the underlying native thread is alive. This is implied by the fact that you can always call Thread.currentThread().

So, if you retain a reference to a Thread instance in charge of a dead thread, it will not magically disappear and all its methods will continue to operate as specified. You can hold on to it for as long as desired.

Regarding your question 2, "removing" an object from memory is a virtually meaningless term. The runtime itself has in fact no idea about the collected objects—they are those which it has forgot about.

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Marko Topolnik Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Marko Topolnik