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When should I use std::string / std::string_view for parameter / return type


I'm writing some communication application. Before C++17 (without Boost), I use std::string and its const reference as cls1.

Since C++17, I introduced std::string_view to my code as cls2. However, I don't have clear policy when should I use std::string_view. My communication application receives data from the network and it is stored to recv_buffer. And creates some application classes from recv_buffer.


If I focus only cls1's constructor, move construction is efficient. But I think that where the parameter s from. If it is originally from the recv_buffer, I can create std::string_view at the receiving (very early) point. And during recv_buffer's lifetime is enabled, use std::string_view everywhere. If I need to store the part of recv_buffer then create std::string.

An only exception I noticed is the recv_buffer is always contained complete data for my application class. In this case, move construction is efficient.


I think using the return type as std::string_view has advantage. Some member function such as substr() is efficient. But I don't see any disadvantage, so far.


I suspect that I might see only pros of std::string_view. Before re-writing many codes, I would like to know your ideas.

PoC code

#include <string>

struct cls1 {
    explicit cls1(std::string s):s_(std::move(s)) {}
    std::string const& get() const { return s_; }
    std::string s_;

struct cls2 {
    explicit cls2(std::string_view s):s_(s) {}
    std::string_view get() const { return s_; }
    std::string s_;

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // If all of the receive buffer is the target
        std::string recv_buffer = "ABC";
        cls1 c1(std::move(recv_buffer)); // move construct
        std::cout << c1.get().substr(1, 2) << std::endl; // create new string
        std::string recv_buffer = "ABC";
        cls2 c2(recv_buffer);            // copy happend
        std::cout << c2.get().substr(1, 2) << std::endl; // doesn't create new string

    // If a part of the receive buffer is the target
        std::string recv_buffer = "<<<ABC>>>";
        cls1 c1(recv_buffer.substr(3, 3)); // copy happend and move construct
        std::cout << c1.get().substr(1, 2) << std::endl; // create new string
        std::string recv_buffer = "<<<ABC>>>";
        std::string_view ref = recv_buffer;
        cls2 c2(ref.substr(3, 3)); // string create from the part of buffer directly
        std::cout << c2.get().substr(1, 2) << std::endl; // doesn't create new string

Running Demo: https://wandbox.org/permlink/TW8w3je3q3D46cjk

like image 330
Takatoshi Kondo Avatar asked Jun 18 '19 12:06

Takatoshi Kondo

People also ask

When should I use string_view?

string_view is useful when you want to avoid unnecessary copies. String_views are less memory-intensive to construct and copy. The creation of string_view from literals does not require a dynamic allocation.

What is std :: String_view for?

The std::string_view, from the C++17 standard, is a read-only non-owning reference to a char sequence. The motivation behind std::string_view is that it is quite common for functions to require a read-only reference to an std::string-like object where the exact type of the object does not matter.

Should I pass string_view by reference?

So, frequently, you can pass string_view by reference and get away with it. But you should pass string_view by value, so that the compiler doesn't have to do those heroics on your behalf. And so that your code-reviewer doesn't have to burn brain cells pondering your unidiomatic decision to pass by reference.

Why do we use std::string?

std::string class in C++ C++ has in its definition a way to represent a sequence of characters as an object of the class. This class is called std:: string. String class stores the characters as a sequence of bytes with the functionality of allowing access to the single-byte character.

1 Answers

std::string_view is a way to get some std::string const member functions without creating a std::string if you have some char* or you want to reference subset of a string.

Consider it as a const reference. If the object it refers vanishes (or changes) for any reason, you have a problem. If your code can return a reference, you can return a string_view.


#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    char* a = new char[10];
    std::string_view s(a);
    std::cout << s; // OK    
    delete[] a;
    std::cout << s;     // whops. UD. If it was std::string, no problem, it would have been a copy

More info.

Edit: It doesn't have a c_str() member because this needs the creation of a \0 at the end of the substring which cannot be done without modification.

like image 74
Michael Chourdakis Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Michael Chourdakis