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When should a class be Comparable and/or Comparator?

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How do you know when to use comparable and Comparator?

To summarize, if sorting of objects needs to be based on natural order then use Comparable whereas if you sorting needs to be done on attributes of different objects, then use Comparator in Java.

Where do we use Comparator?

A comparator consists of a specialized high-gain differential amplifier. They are commonly used in devices that measure and digitize analog signals, such as analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), as well as relaxation oscillators.

What is the difference between Comparator and compare?

1) Comparable provides a single sorting sequence. In other words, we can sort the collection on the basis of a single element such as id, name, and price. The Comparator provides multiple sorting sequences. In other words, we can sort the collection on the basis of multiple elements such as id, name, and price etc.

Why do we use Comparator in Java?

Using configurable methods, Java Comparator can compare objects to return an integer based on a positive, equal or negative comparison. Since it is not limited to comparing numbers, this can allow Java Comparator to be set up to order lists alphabetically or numerically.

The text below comes from Comparator vs Comparable


A comparable object is capable of comparing itself with another object. The class itself must implements the java.lang.Comparable interface in order to be able to compare its instances.


A comparator object is capable of comparing two different objects. The class is not comparing its instances, but some other class’s instances. This comparator class must implement the java.util.Comparator interface.

Implementing Comparable means "I can compare myself with another object." This is typically useful when there's a single natural default comparison.

Implementing Comparator means "I can compare two other objects." This is typically useful when there are multiple ways of comparing two instances of a type - e.g. you could compare people by age, name etc.

Comparable lets a class implement its own comparison:

  • it's in the same class (it is often an advantage)
  • there can be only one implementation (so you can't use that if you want two different cases)

By comparison, Comparator is an external comparison:

  • it is typically in a unique instance (either in the same class or in another place)
  • you name each implementation with the way you want to sort things
  • you can provide comparators for classes that you do not control
  • the implementation is usable even if the first object is null

In both implementations, you can still choose to what you want to be compared. With generics, you can declare so, and have it checked at compile-time. This improves safety, but it is also a challenge to determine the appropriate value.

As a guideline, I generally use the most general class or interface to which that object could be compared, in all use cases I envision... Not very precise a definition though ! :-(

  • Comparable<Object> lets you use it in all codes at compile-time (which is good if needed, or bad if not and you loose the compile-time error) ; your implementation has to cope with objects, and cast as needed but in a robust way.
  • Comparable<Itself> is very strict on the contrary.

Funny, when you subclass Itself to Subclass, Subclass must also be Comparable and be robust about it (or it would break Liskov Principle, and give you runtime errors).


  1. To implement Comparable interface, class must implement a single method compareTo()

    int a.compareTo(b)

  2. You must modify the class whose instance you want to sort. So that only one sort sequence can be created per class.


  1. To implement Comparator interface, class must implement a single method compare()

    int compare (a,b)

  2. You build a class separate from class whose instance you want to sort. So that multiple sort sequence can be created per class.