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How can I initialize a String array with length 0 in Java?

People also ask

Can you initialize an array of length 0?

Initializing a zero-length array leads to an unnecessary memory allocation. Instead, use the statically allocated empty array instance by calling the Array. Empty method. The memory allocation is shared across all invocations of this method.

How do I initialize a string array?

Initialization of Arrays of Strings: Arrays can be initialized after the declaration. It is not necessary to declare and initialize at the same time using the new keyword. However, Initializing an Array after the declaration, it must be initialized with the new keyword. It can't be initialized by only assigning values.

How do you initialize an array of a certain length in Java?

Array Initialization in Java To use the array, we can initialize it with the new keyword, followed by the data type of our array, and rectangular brackets containing its size: int[] intArray = new int[10]; This allocates the memory for an array of size 10 . This size is immutable.

As others have said,

new String[0]

will indeed create an empty array. However, there's one nice thing about arrays - their size can't change, so you can always use the same empty array reference. So in your code, you can use:

private static final String[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new String[0];

and then just return EMPTY_ARRAY each time you need it - there's no need to create a new object each time.

String[] str = new String[0];?

String[] str = {};


return {};

won't work as the type information is missing.

Ok I actually found the answer but thought I would 'import' the question into SO anyway

String[] files = new String[0];
int[] files = new int[0];

You can use ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY from org.apache.commons.lang3

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

    class Scratch {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String[] strings = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;