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When registering a table using the %pyspark interpreter in Zeppelin, I can't access the table in %sql

I am using Zeppelin 0.5.5. I found this code/sample here for python as I couldn't get my own to work with %pyspark http://www.makedatauseful.com/python-spark-sql-zeppelin-tutorial/. I have a feeling his %pyspark example worked because if you using the original %spark zeppelin tutorial the "bank" table is already created.

This code is in a notebook.

from os import getcwd
# sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) # Removed with latest version I tested
zeppelinHome = getcwd()
bankText = sc.textFile(zeppelinHome+"/data/bank-full.csv")

bankSchema = StructType([StructField("age", IntegerType(),     False),StructField("job", StringType(), False),StructField("marital", StringType(), False),StructField("education", StringType(), False),StructField("balance", IntegerType(), False)])

bank = bankText.map(lambda s: s.split(";")).filter(lambda s: s[0] != "\"age\"").map(lambda s:(int(s[0]), str(s[1]).replace("\"", ""), str(s[2]).replace("\"", ""), str(s[3]).replace("\"", ""), int(s[5]) ))

bankdf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(bank,bankSchema)

This code is in the same notebook but different work pad.

SELECT count(1) FROM bank

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: no such table bank; line 1 pos 21
like image 353
Kevin Vasko Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 22:11

Kevin Vasko

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2 Answers

I found the problem to this issue. Prior to 0.6.0 the sqlContext variable is sqlc in %pyspark.

Defect can be found here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-134

In Pyspark, the SQLContext is currently available in the variable name sqlc. This is incosistent with the documentation and with the variable name in scala which is sqlContext.

sqlContext can be used as a variable for the SQLContext, in addition to sqlc (for backward compatibility)

Related code: https://github.com/apache/incubator-zeppelin/blob/master/spark/src/main/resources/python/zeppelin_pyspark.py#L66

The suggested workaround is simply to do the following in your %pyspark script

sqlContext = sqlc

Found here:


like image 168
Kevin Vasko Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Kevin Vasko

Instead of sqlContext, use sqlc and replace registerAsTable by sqlc.registerDataFrameAsTable

from os import getcwd
zeppelinHome = getcwd()
bankText = sc.textFile(zeppelinHome+"/data/bank-full.csv")

bankSchema = StructType([StructField("age", IntegerType(), False),StructField("job", StringType(), False),StructField("marital", StringType(), False),StructField("education", StringType(), False),StructField("balance", IntegerType(), False)])

bank = bankText.map(lambda s: s.split(";")).filter(lambda s: s[0] != "\"age\"").map(lambda s:(int(s[0]), str(s[1]).replace("\"", ""), str(s[2]).replace("\"", ""), str(s[3]).replace("\"", ""), int(s[5]) ))

bankdf = sqlc.createDataFrame(bank,bankSchema)
sqlc.registerDataFrameAsTable(bankdf, "bank")

SELECT count(1) FROM bank
like image 32
user4720308 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
