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How to enable Tungsten optimization in Spark 2?

I just built Spark 2 with hive support and deploy it to a cluster with Hortonworks 2.3.4. However I find that this Spark 2.0.3 is slower than the standard spark 1.5.3 that comes with HDP 2.3

When I check explain it seems that my Spark 2.0.3 is not using tungsten. Do I need to create special build to enable Tungsten?

Spark 1.5.3 Explain

== Physical Plan ==
TungstenAggregate(key=[id#2], functions=[], output=[id#2])
TungstenExchange hashpartitioning(id#2)
TungstenAggregate(key=[id#2], functions=[], output=[id#2])
HiveTableScan [id#2], (MetastoreRelation default, testing, None)

Spark 2.0.3

== Physical Plan ==
*HashAggregate(keys=[id#2481], functions=[])
  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(id#2481, 72)
  +- *HashAggregate(keys=[id#2481], functions=[])
  +- HiveTableScan [id#2481], MetastoreRelation default, testing
like image 677
Har_Boed Avatar asked Apr 19 '17 19:04


1 Answers

It still uses Tungsten, class was renamed: https://github.com/apache/spark/commit/8900c8d8ff1614b5ec5a2ce213832fa13462b4d4

like image 88
T. Gawęda Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

T. Gawęda