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Processing (OSM) PBF files in Spark

OSM data is available in PBF format. There are specialised libraries (such as https://github.com/plasmap/geow for parsing this data).

I want to store this data on S3 and parse the data into an RDD as part of an EMR job.

What is a straightforward way to achieve this? Can I fetch the file to the master node and process it locally? If so, would I create an empty RDD and add to it as streaming events are parsed from the input file?

like image 445
Synesso Avatar asked Nov 23 '16 00:11


2 Answers

One solution would be to skip the PBFs. One Spark-friendly representation is Parquet. In this blog post it is shown how to convert the PBFs to Parquets and how to load the data in Spark.

like image 100
Adrian Bona Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Adrian Bona

I released a new version of Osm4Scala that includes support for Spark 2 and 3.

There are a lot of examples in the README.md

It is really simple to use:

scala> val osmDF = spark.sqlContext.read.format("osm.pbf").load("<osm files path here>")
osmDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint, type: tinyint ... 5 more fields]

scala> osmDF.createOrReplaceTempView("osm")

scala> spark.sql("select type, count(*) as num_primitives from osm group by type").show()
|   1|        338795|
|   2|         10357|
|   0|       2328075|

scala> spark.sql("select distinct(explode(map_keys(tags))) as tag_key from osm order by tag_key asc").show()
|           tag_key|
|             Calle|
|        Conference|
|             Exper|
|             FIXME|
|         ISO3166-1|
|  ISO3166-1:alpha2|
|  ISO3166-1:alpha3|
| ISO3166-1:numeric|
|         ISO3166-2|
|           MAC_dec|
|            Nombre|
|            Numero|
|              Open|
|        Peluqueria|
|    Residencia UEM|
|          Telefono|
|         abandoned|
| abandoned:amenity|
| abandoned:barrier|
only showing top 20 rows

scala> spark.sql("select id, latitude, longitude, tags from osm where type = 0").show()
|      id|          latitude|          longitude|                tags|
|  171933|          40.42006|-3.7016600000000004|                  []|
|  171946|          40.42125|-3.6844500000000004|[highway -> traff...|
|  171948|40.420230000000004|-3.6877900000000006|                  []|
|  171951|40.417350000000006|-3.6889800000000004|                  []|
|  171952|          40.41499|-3.6889800000000004|                  []|
|  171953|          40.41277|-3.6889000000000003|                  []|
|  171954|          40.40946|-3.6887900000000005|                  []|
|  171959|          40.40326|-3.7012200000000006|                  []|
|20952874|          40.42099|-3.6019200000000007|                  []|
|20952875|40.422610000000006|-3.5994900000000007|                  []|
|20952878| 40.42136000000001| -3.601470000000001|                  []|
|20952879| 40.42262000000001| -3.599770000000001|                  []|
|20952881| 40.42905000000001|-3.5970500000000007|                  []|
|20952883| 40.43131000000001|-3.5961000000000007|                  []|
|20952888| 40.42930000000001| -3.596590000000001|                  []|
|20952890| 40.43012000000001|-3.5961500000000006|                  []|
|20952891| 40.43043000000001|-3.5963600000000007|                  []|
|20952892| 40.43057000000001|-3.5969100000000007|                  []|
|20952893| 40.43039000000001|-3.5973200000000007|                  []|
|20952895| 40.42967000000001|-3.5972300000000006|                  []|
only showing top 20 rows
like image 42
angelcervera Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
