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When is the viewmodel onCleared called

Are ViewModels independent of activity/fragment lifecycles or just their configuration changes. When will they cease to exist and the subsequent onCleared() method called. Can the viewModel be shared with another Activity ?

A situation:

Activity1+viewModel1--->(rotation)--->Activity1+viewModel1 --->(launch Intent)--->Activity2+viewModel1 

is this sharing possible and is it a good practice.

Also, since the app lifecycle callbacks, onPause->onStop->onDestroy is same for both

1.activity rotating and

2.when an Activity ends,

how is a ViewModel figuring out internally the right time to call onCleared and finally end its lifecycle.


the ViewModel uses a holderFragment internally to hold an instance of the activity and uses the setRetainInstance method like fragments to account for configuration changes.

Source: dive-inside-of-androids-viewmodel-architecture-components

enter image description here

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ir2pid Avatar asked Jun 22 '18 08:06


People also ask

What is onCleared in ViewModel?

onCleared. This method will be called when this ViewModel is no longer used and will be destroyed. It is useful when ViewModel observes some data and you need to clear this subscription to prevent a leak of this ViewModel.

What happens when a ViewModel is destroyed?

by Ian Lake | Medium. Fantastic libraries and article! You are correct: the ViewModel is destroyed if your process is killed by Android. Just like before, you should use onSaveInstanceState() to store any data you must have to later recreate your Activity in the same state as before.

What is the lifecycle of ViewModel?

ViewModel objects are scoped to the Lifecycle passed to the ViewModelProvider when getting the ViewModel . The ViewModel remains in memory until the Lifecycle it's scoped to goes away permanently: in the case of an activity, when it finishes, while in the case of a fragment, when it's detached.

How does a ViewModel retain itself?

ViewModel objects are automatically retained during configuration changes so that data they hold is immediately available to the next activity or fragment instance. FYI: You can use ViewModel to preserve UI state only during a configuration change, nothing else as explained perfectly in this official doc.

2 Answers

Are ViewModels independent of activity/fragment lifecycles or just their configuration changes.

ViewModels (VMs) are independent of configuration changes and are cleared when activity/fragment is destroyed.

Following is the lifecycle of ViewModel from official site:


Can the viewModel be shared with another Activity ?

You shouldn't do that with Activities. However fragments can share a ViewModel using their activity scope to handle communication between them

How is a ViewModel figuring out internally the right time to call onCleared and finally end its lifecycle?

A VM's onCleared is called when the app is put into the background and the app process is killed in order to free up the system's memory.

See the Do ViewModels persist my data? section from this Android Developer's post, ViewModels: Persistence, onSaveInstanceState(), Restoring UI State and Loaders

If you want the user to be able to put the app into the background and then come back three hours later to the exact same state, you should also persist data. This is because as soon as your activity goes into the background, your app process can be stopped if the device is running low on memory.

If the app process and activity are stopped, then the ViewModel will be cleared as well.

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Sagar Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09


Check method onDestroy() in Fragment.java

public void onDestroy() {      this.mCalled = true;      FragmentActivity activity = this.getActivity();      boolean isChangingConfigurations = activity != null && activity.isChangingConfigurations();      if (this.mViewModelStore != null && !isChangingConfigurations) {          this.mViewModelStore.clear();      } } 

The variant isChangingConfigurations is true when the Activity rotates, the viewModelStore method clear() is not called.

When Activity is destroyed, isChangingConfigurations is false, the viewModelStore will be cleared.

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Eric Y Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09

Eric Y