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When is it right for a constructor to throw an exception?

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What happens if a constructor throws an exception?

When throwing an exception in a constructor, the memory for the object itself has already been allocated by the time the constructor is called. So, the compiler will automatically deallocate the memory occupied by the object after the exception is thrown.

When can exceptions be thrown?

Exceptions should be used for exceptional situations outside of the normal logic of a program. In the example program an out of range value is likely to be fairly common and should be dealt with using normal if-else type logic. (See the programming exercises.)

Is it OK to throw exception in constructor C#?

Throwing exceptions in constructors in C# is fine, but a constructor should always create a valid object.

Is throwing exception from constructor accepted as a good practice?

Throwing exceptions in a constructor is not bad practice. In fact, it is the only reasonable way for a constructor to indicate that there is a problem; e.g. that the parameters are invalid.

The constructor's job is to bring the object into a usable state. There are basically two schools of thought on this.

One group favors two-stage construction. The constructor merely brings the object into a sleeper state in which it refuses to do any work. There's an additional function that does the actual initialization.

I've never understood the reasoning behind this approach. I'm firmly in the group that supports one-stage construction, where the object is fully initialized and usable after construction.

One-stage constructors should throw if they fail to fully initialize the object. If the object cannot be initialized, it must not be allowed to exist, so the constructor must throw.

Eric Lippert says there are 4 kinds of exceptions.

  • Fatal exceptions are not your fault, you cannot prevent them, and you cannot sensibly clean up from them.
  • Boneheaded exceptions are your own darn fault, you could have prevented them and therefore they are bugs in your code.
  • Vexing exceptions are the result of unfortunate design decisions. Vexing exceptions are thrown in a completely non-exceptional circumstance, and therefore must be caught and handled all the time.
  • And finally, exogenous exceptions appear to be somewhat like vexing exceptions except that they are not the result of unfortunate design choices. Rather, they are the result of untidy external realities impinging upon your beautiful, crisp program logic.

Your constructor should never throw a fatal exception on its own, but code it executes may cause a fatal exception. Something like "out of memory" isn't something you can control, but if it occurs in a constructor, hey, it happens.

Boneheaded exceptions should never occur in any of your code, so they're right out.

Vexing exceptions (the example is Int32.Parse()) shouldn't be thrown by constructors, because they don't have non-exceptional circumstances.

Finally, exogenous exceptions should be avoided, but if you're doing something in your constructor that depends on external circumstances (like the network or filesystem), it would be appropriate to throw an exception.

Reference link: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ericlippert/2008/09/10/vexing-exceptions/

There is generally nothing to be gained by divorcing object initialization from construction. RAII is correct, a successful call to the constructor should either result in a fully initialized live object or it should fail, and ALL failures at any point in any code path should always throw an exception. You gain nothing by use of a separate init() method except additional complexity at some level. The ctor contract should be either it returns a functional valid object or it cleans up after itself and throws.

Consider, if you implement a separate init method, you still have to call it. It will still have the potential to throw exceptions, they still have to be handled and they virtually always have to be called immediately after the constructor anyway, except now you have 4 possible object states instead of 2 (IE, constructed, initialized, uninitialized, and failed vs just valid and non-existent).

In any case I've run across in 25 years of OO development cases where it seems like a separate init method would 'solve some problem' are design flaws. If you don't need an object NOW then you shouldn't be constructing it now, and if you do need it now then you need it initialized. KISS should always be the principle followed, along with the simple concept that the behavior, state, and API of any interface should reflect WHAT the object does, not HOW it does it, client code should not even be aware that the object has any kind of internal state that requires initialization, thus the init after pattern violates this principle.

Because of all the trouble that a partially created class can cause, I'd say never.

If you need to validate something during construction, make the constructor private and define a public static factory method. The method can throw if something is invalid. But if everything checks out, it calls the constructor, which is guaranteed not to throw.

As far as I can tell, no-one is presenting a fairly obvious solution which embodies the best of both one-stage and two-stage construction.

note: This answer assumes C#, but the principles can be applied in most languages.

First, the benefits of both:


One-stage construction benefits us by preventing objects from existing in an invalid state, thus preventing all sorts of erroneous state management and all the bugs which come with it. However, it leaves some of us feeling weird because we don't want our constructors to throw exceptions, and sometimes that's what we need to do when initialization arguments are invalid.

public class Person
    public string Name { get; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; }

    public Person(string name, DateTime dateOfBirth)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhitespace(name))
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(name));

        if (dateOfBirth > DateTime.UtcNow) // side note: bad use of DateTime.UtcNow
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dateOfBirth));

        this.Name = name;
        this.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

Two-Stage via validation method

Two-stage construction benefits us by allowing our validation to be executed outside of the constructor, and therefore prevents the need for throwing exceptions within the constructor. However, it leaves us with "invalid" instances, which means there's state we have to track and manage for the instance, or we throw it away immediately after heap-allocation. It begs the question: Why are we performing a heap allocation, and thus memory collection, on an object we don't even end up using?

public class Person
    public string Name { get; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; }

    public Person(string name, DateTime dateOfBirth)
        this.Name = name;
        this.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

    public void Validate()
        if (string.IsNullOrWhitespace(Name))
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Name));

        if (DateOfBirth > DateTime.UtcNow) // side note: bad use of DateTime.UtcNow
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(DateOfBirth));

Single-Stage via private constructor

So how can we keep exceptions out of our constructors, and prevent ourselves from performing heap allocation on objects which will be immediately discarded? It's pretty basic: we make the constructor private and create instances via a static method designated to perform an instantiation, and therefore heap-allocation, only after validation.

public class Person
    public string Name { get; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; }

    private Person(string name, DateTime dateOfBirth)
        this.Name = name;
        this.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;

    public static Person Create(
        string name,
        DateTime dateOfBirth)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhitespace(Name))
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(name));

        if (dateOfBirth > DateTime.UtcNow) // side note: bad use of DateTime.UtcNow
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(DateOfBirth));

        return new Person(name, dateOfBirth);

Async Single-Stage via private constructor

Aside from the aforementioned validation and heap-allocation prevention benefits, the previous methodology provides us with another nifty advantage: async support. This comes in handy when dealing with multi-stage authentication, such as when you need to retrieve a bearer token before using your API. This way, you don't end up with an invalid "signed out" API client, and instead you can simply re-create the API client if you receive an authorization error while attempting to perform a request.

public class RestApiClient
    public RestApiClient(HttpClient httpClient)
        this.httpClient = new httpClient;

    public async Task<RestApiClient> Create(string username, string password)
        if (username == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(username));

        if (password == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));

        var basicAuthBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{username}:{password}");
        var basicAuthValue = Convert.ToBase64String(basicAuthBytes);

        var authenticationHttpClient = new HttpClient
            BaseUri = new Uri("https://auth.example.io"),
            DefaultRequestHeaders = {
                Authentication = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", basicAuthValue)

        using (authenticationHttpClient)
            var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("login");
            var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var authToken = content;
            var restApiHttpClient = new HttpClient
                BaseUri = new Uri("https://api.example.io"), // notice this differs from the auth uri
                DefaultRequestHeaders = {
                    Authentication = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authToken)

            return new RestApiClient(restApiHttpClient);

The downsides of this method are few, in my experience.

Generally, using this methodology means that you can no longer use the class as a DTO because deserializing to an object without a public default constructor is hard, at best. However, if you were using the object as a DTO, you shouldn't really be validating the object itself, but rather invaliding the values on the object as you attempt to use them, since technically the values aren't "invalid" with regards to the DTO.

It also means that you'll end up creating factory methods or classes when you need to allow an IOC container to create the object, since otherwise the container won't know how to instantiate the object. However, in a lot of cases the factory methods end up being one of Create methods themselves.