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When is it good (if ever) to scrap production code and start over? [closed]



Without any offense intended, the decision to rewrite a codebase from scratch is a common, and serious management mistake newbie software developers make.

There are many disadvantages to be wary of.

  • Rewrites stop new features from being developed cold for months/years. Few, if any companies can afford to stand-still for this long.
  • Most development schedules are difficult to nail. This rewrite will be no exception. Amplify the previous point by, now, a delay in development.
  • Bugs that were fixed in the existing codebase through painful experience will be re-introduced. Joel Spolsky has more examples in this article.
  • Danger of falling victim to the Second-system effect -- in summary, ``People who have designed something only once before try to do all the things they "didn't get to do last time", loading the project up with all the things they put off while making version one, even if most of them should be put off in version two as well.''
  • Once this expensive, burdensome rewrite is completed, the very next team to inherit the new codebase is likely to use the same excuses for doing another rewrite. Programmers hate learning someone else's code. No one writes perfect code because perfection is so subjective. Find me any real-world application and I can give you a damning indictment and rationale for doing a from-scratch rewrite.

Whether you ultimately rewrite from scratch or not, beginning a refactoring phase now is a good way to both really sit down and understand the problem so that the rewrite will go more smoothly if truly called for, as well as giving the existing codebase an honest look to really see if a rewrite's needed.

To actually scrap and start over?

When the current code doesn't do what you would like it to do, and would be cost prohibitive to change.

I'm sure someone will now link Joel's article about Netscape throwing their code away and how it's oh-so-terrible and a huge mistake. I don't want to talk about it in detail, but if you do link that article, before you do so, consider this: the IE engine, the engine that allowed MS to release IE 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 in quick succession, the IE engine that totally destroyed Netscape... it was new. Trident was a new engine after they threw away the IE 3 engine because it didn't provide a suitable basis for their future development work. MS did that which Joel says you must never do, and it is because MS did so that they had a browser that allowed them to completely eclipse Netscape. So please... just meditate on that thought for a moment before you link Joel and say "oh you should never do it, it's a terrible idea".

A rule of thumb I've found useful is that if given a code base, if I have to re-write more than 25% of the code to make it work or modify it based upon new requirements, you may as well re-write it from scratch.

The reasoning is that you can only patch a body of code so far; beyond a certain point, it's quicker to do over.

There's an underlying assumption that you have a mechanism (such as thorough unit and/or system tests) that will tell you whether your re-written version is functionally equivalent (where it needs to be) as the original.

If it requires more time to read and understand the code (if that is even possible) than it would to rewrite the entire application, I say scrap it and start over.

Be very carefull with this:

  1. Are you sure you aren't just being lazy and not bothering to read the code
  2. Are you being arrogant about the great code you will write compared to the rubbish anyone else produced.
  3. Remember tested-working code is worth a lot more than imaginary yet-to-be-written code

In the words of our estemed host and overlord, Joel - things you should never do,
it's not always wrong to abandon working code - but you have to be sure about the reason.

I saw an application re-architected within 2 years of its introduction into production, and others rewritten in different technologies (one was C++ - now Java). Both efforts were were not, to my mind, successful.

I prefer a more evolutionary approach to bad software. If you can "componentize" your old app such that you can introduce your new requirements and interface with the old code, you can ease yourself into the new environment without having to "sell" the zero-value (from a biz perspective) investment in rewriting.

Suggested approach - write unit tests for the functionality with which you wish to interface to 1) ensure the code behaves as you expect and 2) provide a safety net for any refactoring that you may wish to do on the old base.

Bad code is the norm. I think IT gets a bad rap from business for favoring rewrites/rearchitecting/etc. They pay the money and "trust" us (as an industry) to deliver solid, extensible code. Sadly, business pressures frequently result in shortcuts that make the code unmaintainable. Sometimes it's bad programmers... sometimes bad situations.

To answer your rephrased question... can code maintenance costs ever exceed rewriting costs... the answer is clearly yes. I don't see anything in your examples, however, that lead me to believe this is your case. I think those issues can be addressed with tests and refactoring.

In terms of business value, I would think it's extremely rare that a real case can be made for a rewrite due solely to the internal state of the code. If the product's customer-facing and is currently live and bringing in money (i.e. is not a mothballed or unreleased product), then consider that:

  • You already have customers using it. They're familiar with it, and might have built some of their own assets around it. (Other systems that interface to it; products based on it; processes they'd have to change; staff they'd maybe have to retrain). All of this costs the customer money.
  • Re-writing it might cost less in the long term than making difficult changes and fixes. But you can't quantify that yet, unless your app is no more complex than Hello World. And a re-write means a re-test and a redeploy, and probably an upgrade path for your customers.
  • Who says the re-write will be any better? Can you honestly say your firm is writing sparkly code now? Have the practices that turned the original code to spaghetti been corrected? (Even if the main culprit was a single developer, where were his peers and management, ensuring quality through reviews, testing, etc.?)

In terms of technical reasons, I'd suggest it could be time for a major rewrite if the original has some technical dependencies that have become problematic. e.g. a third party dependency that's now out of support, etc.

In general though, I think the most sensible move is to refactor piece by piece (very small pieces if it's really that bad), and improve the internal architecture incrementally rather than in one big drop.

Two threads of thought on this one: Do you have the original requirements? Do you have confidence that the original requirements are accurate? What about test plans or unit tests? If you have those things in place it might be easier.

Putting on my customer hat, does the system work or is it unstable? If you've got something that's unstable you've got an argument to change; otherwise you're best of refactoring it bit by bit.