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When is an agile iteration considered complete? [closed]

I am working on a team that is exploring the possibility of adopting agile development practices.

One question that we are running up against is deciding when an iteration (sprint) should complete.

Let's say we've defined our feature backlog, and produced story-point estimates for them, and we have decided that the first 30-day sprint will include features A, B, D, and F. What should you do if at you're reaching the end of the sprint and you've completed A, D, and F - but B is only 80% complete. Should you:

  1. Complete the sprint on time but exclude feature B (deferring the remaining work to a future sprint)

  2. Extend the sprint by the time necessary to complete feature B but not start the next sprint.

  3. Extend the sprint by the time necessary to complete feature B and begin working on the next sprint.

  4. Fail the entire sprint, and bundle all work to be part of a future release.

The problem I see with option 1 is that the team isn't delivering what it committed to. In some cases, you may not be able to exclude feature B without making the entire release useless (or at least substantially less valuable). It may make it difficult to guide the direction of the next sprint without feature B.

The problem with option 2 is that some members of the team may be idle for a significant period of time - which eats into overall productivity. You may be able to add more unit tests, or polish features, but it doesn't add proportional value. It's also politically hard to explain to management why most of your team is idle.

Option 3 seems to be against the spirit of agile - you are putting the next sprint at risk by not allowing the results of the prior one to guide the next iteration of development.

Option 4 seems to severe and has most of the same problems of Option 1 and 3. First off, you're completely missing a commitment. Second, bundling more features into a subsequent release makes it harder to test and verify with customers - and it again precludes the ability to guide the future iteration based on feedback from prior ones.

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LBushkin Avatar asked Jan 18 '10 18:01


People also ask

How long is iteration in Agile?

Iterations are the basic building block of Agile development. Each iteration is a standard, fixed-length timebox, where Agile Teams deliver incremental value in the form of working, tested software and systems. In SAFe, iterations are typically one or two weeks in length, with two being the most common.

What do you do at the end of iteration?

Just continue on with the next iteration with the data that you have already. You really don't want to hold back a number of people because of one bottleneck.

What is an iteration from the Agile approach?

An Agile iteration is a short period of time during which a section of work is developed and tested. Each iteration has a set completion date by which all its deliverables must be achieved. As the Scaled Agile Framework puts it, iterations are the “basic building block of Agile development.”

What is the difference between a sprint and an iteration?

Sprints are more focused on productivity techniques developed by a group of individuals working on the same project. Iterations describe a development and planning process where a project is developed in small sections.

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3 Answers

Option 1 of course. Your velocity for the next iteration is going to be less, as it is based on yesterdays weather, so the next iteration you have a better chance of being complete.

In scrum you are time-boxing. And you only deliver features that work.

In the sprint planning you have made an estimate of what you could deliver. The customer has to accept a certain level of uncertainty in the estimate, or be prepared to have too many resources on the team.

If you miss the next iteration again, switch to a shorter iteration length, and make sure the size of individual features is smaller.

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Stephan Eggermont Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10

Stephan Eggermont

You would normally do option 1 - finish the sprint. Use the completed work, let the unfinished work get reflected in the project velocity - so future planning takes account of the difficulties you experienced.

Yes, option 1 means we didn't finish what we committed to - but if that's what's happened then it's better to admit it and learn to cope better next time than to hide it. Bad stuff happens to everybody - the critical thing is how we improve from where we are.

You could do option 2 - continue finishing the outstanding work by extending the sprint. Only do this if the work is super-high priority to the customer and they explicitly choose to do it. Extending the length of sprints makes them harder to compare with each other - because they're different lengths.

Absolutely NEVER never let one sprint merge into the next - either you're extending the old sprint, or you're starting a completely new one. If you let two sprints merge into each other then you're not really doing sprints anymore and planning breaks down...

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Dafydd Rees Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Dafydd Rees

Can I answer with "It depends"? Plus, I'd like to throw in a "Define complete".

We've had this situation a couple of times and dealt with it differently depending on the circumstances.

As far as I remember in two cases we let the sprint fail. It was actually more of a demo-rejected kind of fail. The features themselves were considered complete by the team, but there were too many open questions, loose ends and little details that popped up during the demo. It would have taken a couple of days to wrap everything up, so we let the sprint fail and took all the open items into the next sprint. We still had a retrospective and sprint planning for new user stories, but there was no integration of code lines and the sprint was officially marked as failed.

In another case we only had a couple of bugs that turned up last minute, plus a couple of things from the user story. We estimated the total work to three days tops and just extended the sprint. That was enough for us to fix the bug, make a couple of changes and do a second sprint demo about three days later.

So, it was either option 4 or option 2 for us when it was called for.

There are a few things to consider here. First of all, (and I'm talking Scrum terminology here, because I'm used to it, so feel free to substitute it with whatever fits best) get the ScrumMaster, Product Owner and the team together and discuss the options openly. I don't think there's one way to go. You can stick to pure methodology, but in real life that's not always the best way to go. Sometimes bending the rules a bit helps a lot and makes life easier for everyone.

If you're working well together you should find an option that works for everyone involved. (If you can't you may have underlying problems anyway.) Don't just drop something on the team without at least discussing it or at least explaining the reasons why.

Option 3 sounds like the most messy to me, so I'd rule that out.

A lot of people here have argued that option 2 goes against basic agile (or Scrum) rules, but I'd disagree. Scrum explicitly says that you can extend the sprint if called for, the same as you can reduce stories or add resources. You shouldn't do it until absolutely necessary, but as far as I know it's not strictly against the book. In the base when we did it, it was the best solution for everyone, because we still got the sprint done, only three days later and everyone was very happy with the results. If we were talking a week or more option 2 wouldn't have been appropriate.

I don't really like option 1. Taking half-done stuff out a working implementation can be really messy. You lose touch with the code that has been done and integration, frankly, can be a pain. It might be different depending on the way you work, but from my experience, taking code out of a codeline is not something you want to do.

As for option 4, it is pretty harsh, but then again, when communicated correctly it should be okay. The team usually knows when it messed up and won't be able to deliver, so it's not like you're breaking any news to them.

So, there are a few things to consider.

  • How much time will it need to get it done done? If it's only one or two days, extending your sprint might be the best option.
  • How much effort will it be to remove the code that's already there? If it's messy and takes up time, resolve to option 2 or 4. If it's easy, maybe option 1 is the way to go.
  • What does the team think? What does the product owner think? What do others think? Failing a spring might have an impact on team morale, but it might not.
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Anne Schuessler Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Anne Schuessler