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When #if DEBUG runs




I have this code in my C# class.

#if DEBUG         private const string BASE_URL = "http://www.a.com/"; #else         private const string BASE_URL = "http://www.b.com//"; #endif 

What I wanted to ask is when does the

#if DEBUG 

path in the code get executed?

Does it get executed

  1. When I run up a debug session in Visual Studio?
  2. When I manually run the exe or dll in question from the debug folder?
  3. Any other circumstances I forgot to mention?
like image 830
Sachin Kainth Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 17:10

Sachin Kainth

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We use when to mean '(at) the time that'. We use since to refer to a particular time in the past until another time or until now: I had a great time when I went to the coast.

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What is the example of when?

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What is a synonym for when?

at the same time as. at the time. for the time being. in the course of.

2 Answers

#if DEBUG It's a preprocessor definition.

It compiles when you define DEBUG constant. And yes, it's default on Debug Build Configuration.

Visual Studio 2010 Project Properties: Visual Studio 2010 Project Properties

If Define DEBUG constant is checked VS will compile:

private const string BASE_URL = "http://www.a.com/"; 

Else (not checked) VS will compile:

private const string BASE_URL = "http://www.b.com//"; 
like image 155
Danpe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09


It's a preprocessor directive. The code in the DEBUG part is compiled when you do a debug build (more specifically when the DEBUG constant is defined). I.e. if you do a debug build BASE_URL will point to www.a.com. Otherwise it will point to www.b.com.

like image 37
Brian Rasmussen Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Brian Rasmussen