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When I commit to a Forked Repo will that affect in any way the Repo from which I forked from?

This is a Question regarding the topic of: Contributing to Open Source. Given that this could be daunting for a newbie. I thought it's best to just ask.

So the process goes Like this:

  1. Fork Repo
  2. Clone Repo to Local Machine
  3. Set up remote upstream
  4. Create branch to work on new features
  5. Work on new features
  6. Commit changes to branch
  7. Fetch upstream
  8. Update local master ($ git checkout master; git pull upstream master)
  9. Rebase issue branch
  10. Push branch to GitHub
  11. Issue pull request

I'm concerned about step 9. Will this step affect the Original Repo from which I Forked from?(will my commits to my fork be seen by the owner?) Or do I have all the liberties I want with my own Fork? As long as I don't Issue a Pull request that is (I'm a little confused because they advice not to work on the master branch ever)

Additional Question: Following the same logic (and assuming my commits won't affect the original repo) Can I send the branch(es) I create locally for new features to my own fork? something like:

git push origin new-branch

Will this command send the branch to my own fork only?

I know these questions are obviously totally novice material, But more than ever I need to know how do it right, I appreciate all your comments and suggestions.

Thanks in advance !

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jlstr Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 04:01


1 Answers

"When I commit to a Forked Repo will that affect in any way the Repo from which I forked from?"

No. It's not an issue unless they explicitly pull from your fork.

"Will this command send the branch to my own fork only?"


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Matthew Flaschen Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 22:01

Matthew Flaschen