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How to import CVS to git scm?





In order to import a revision of a CVS module, I am using:

/usr/lib/git-core/git-cvsimport -a -i -p r,revisionname -k -v -d :pserver:user@xxx.com:2401/srv/cvs/rootname modulename

It works for a while and then I get something like cvsps got an error. How do I determine what the cvsps error is?

like image 740
reza Avatar asked Jan 17 '23 07:01


2 Answers

Gave up on this approach and have used cvs2git.

The cvs2git is a tool that can be used to migrate CVS repositories to newer version control tools, including git.

Sample usage:

cvs2git \
    --blobfile=cvs2git-tmp/git-blob.dat \
    --dumpfile=cvs2git-tmp/git-dump.dat \
    --username=cvs2git \
like image 91
reza Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 12:01


From http://git-scm.com/docs/git-cvsimport

WARNING: git cvsimport uses cvsps version 2, which is considered deprecated; it does not work with cvsps version 3 and later. If you are performing a one-shot import of a CVS repository consider using cvs2git or parsecvs.

Check if you have a cvsps version 3 or later

$ cvsps --version

If you can downgrade it to cvsps version 2 you are done.

Main difference is cvs2git is not incremental (except using this workaround), so it's targeted to one-shot checkout. With cvsimport you can do incremental updates, and stay up to date to cvs repo.

like image 26
albfan Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 10:01
