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When exactly do nullable types throw exceptions?

Consider the following code:

int? x = null; Console.Write ("Hashcode: "); Console.WriteLine(x.GetHashCode()); Console.Write("Type: "); Console.WriteLine(x.GetType()); 

When executed, it writes that Hashcode is 0, but fails with NullReferenceException in attempt to determine type of x. I know that methods called on nullable types are actually called on underlying values, so I expected program to fail during x.GetHashCode().

So, what is the fundamental difference between those two methods and why doesn't the first of them fail?

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Кирилл Глазырин Avatar asked May 02 '18 06:05

Кирилл Глазырин

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Nullable reference types are a new feature in C# 8.0. They allow you to spot places where you're unintentionally dereferencing a null value (or not checking it.) You may have seen these types of checks being performed before C# 8.0 in ReSharper's Value and Nullability Analysis checks.

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2 Answers

This is because int? x = null; essentially creates an instance of the value type System.Nullable<int>, with an "inner" null value (you can check it via .HasVaue Property). When GetHashCode is invoked, the override Nullable<int>.GetHashCode is the method candidate (since the method is virtual), now we have an instance of Nullable<int>, and execute its instance method, perfect.

When invoking GetType, the method is non-virtual, so the instance of Nullable<int> is boxed to System.Object first, according to the document, and boxed value is null, hence the NullReferenceException.

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Cheng Chen Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Cheng Chen

To clarify Danny Chen's correct answer:

  • Nullable<T> is a value type. The value type consists of a bool, which indicates nullity (false means null) and a T, the value.
  • Unlike all other value types, nullable types do not box to a boxed Nullable<T>. They box to either a boxed T or a null reference.
  • A method implemented by a value type S is implemented as though it has an invisible ref S argument; that is how this is passed.
  • A method implemented by a reference type C is implemented as if there was an invisible C argument; that is how this is passed.
  • The interesting case is then a virtual method defined in a reference base class and overridden by a struct that inherits from the base class.

Now you have enough information to deduce what happens. GetHashCode is virtual and overridden by Nullable<T> so when you call it, you call it as though there was an invisible ref Nullable<T> argument for this. No boxing happens.

GetType is not virtual and so cannot be overridden and is defined on object. Therefore it expects an object for this, When called on a Nullable<T> the receiver must be boxed, and therefore can box to null, and therefore can throw.

If you called ((object)x).GetHashCode() then you'd see an exception.

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Eric Lippert