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When does the browser's event loop start?

I'm using a framework which features auto-connecting to server on page load. I can disable it by passing options arguments, but the line that confuses me is this:

You can prevent this initial socket from connecting automatically by disabling io.sails.autoConnect before the first cycle of the event loop elapses.

My questions are:

  1. When does the first cycle of the event loop elapses?
  2. Is this behaviour the same across ALL modern (IE9+) browsers?
  3. I have a bunch of scripts (in <body>) loading between the lib and my entry file. Does this affect when the first cycle elapses? EDIT: Yes, it does.
  4. How can I ensure my code runs before the first cycle elapses?
  5. Is this kind of implementation of auto-connect considered good practice?
like image 971
Howie Avatar asked Aug 07 '14 08:08


1 Answers

The documentation for the source file is a little more explicit; it says "This can be disabled or configured by setting io.socket.options within the first cycle of the event loop."

Basically what's happening is that there exists within the library a setTimeout(fn, 0) call, which is idiomatic for starting a parallel process. However, in the JS standards it's explicitly stated that JS is single-threaded: in other words, even though setTimeout and setInterval are asynchronous they are not actually parallel in the sense that any of their code will be executing simultaneously with any other code. So they wait until the current function is over before they execute. This queueing mechanism is known as the JavaScript event loop.

I believe that what you are asked to do by the script author is to modify the source to include the relevant change, perhaps at the bottom of the file for your convenience.

It is also likely that a similar effect will be achieved by putting a <script> tag underneath the one that loads the given JS. This has not been explicitly standardized by HTML 4, but may be implicitly standardized in the new HTML 5 spec (it's a complicated interaction between different parts of the specs).

In terms of HTML5, it looks like the current specs say that there is a afterscriptexecute event and a load event which occur immediately after any remote script is loaded (or, if it's an inline script, the load event is scheduled as a task -- I am not sure when those occur). So you might be able to guarantee it without modifying the script by instead doing:

function do_not_autoload() { /* ... */ }
<script onload="do_not_autoload()" src="./path/to/sails.io.js"></script>

but I'm not sure what the compatibility table for script@onload is going to look like.

I made you a jsfiddle which can be used to grab a 'fingerprint' for different browsers to get an idea of what evaluation orders are out there in the wild. The * is the document.body.onload event. On my system it produces:

Firefox 32.0.3 : cafdbe*
Chrome 37.0.2062 : cafd*be
IE 11.0.9600 : cafd*be

In other words,

like image 50
CR Drost Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

CR Drost