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Is accordion possible on responsive HTML email?

My client wants a responsive email in which text is not displayed at it's fullest but it's already embedded in the body of the email. When the user clicks on "click more" the text expands and all the text becomes visible. Is that possible?

As far as I know pseudo-classes are not possible on email clients, and building an accordion with inline coding is technically very difficult. Any ideas?

like image 909
Mike Avatar asked Jun 05 '14 06:06


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If you plan to make a responsive email you have to use a meta viewport. This tells the email client to assume the email is as wide as the screen width of the device it's being displayed on. Below, you'll see an example of a reliable declaration with the essential meta tags.

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Using responsive email templates allows you to display your content with consistency across any device and at scale to deliver mobile-friendly emails with every send.

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Hover effects are most popular when it comes to highlighting text (for example, highlighting a text link in your email copy). But they're also a simple but powerful tool to make other elements—including images, background images, or calls-to-action (CTAs)—interactive and more engaging.

What is HTML accordion?

Accordion. An accordion is used to show (and hide) HTML content. Use the w3-hide class to hide the accordion content.

1 Answers

This is quite an old one but Matthew is right. You can't (rather shouldn't) try to make emails work using accordions, as these require either JS or advanced CSS3. Both of which have little or no support in email clients, even new ones.

The closest I was able to find when I had a similar request was using a CSS design from Responsive Email Patterns It works on some clients but not all of them.

Also, instead of using an Accordion, you could use "tabs" instead. This, although not 100% bulletproof, is supported by more clients. See here for an example.

(Following Leon's suggestion) Simply put, unless you aim at using simple CSS, you should really forget about responsiveness and complex interactions, other than adjusting widths and the like.

It's far simpler to either use anchors to link to full-article text from the top or use external links. Responsive emails are way overrated and bring too much complexity to something that people expect to be simple: reading an email.

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imelgrat Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 21:10
