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When does python compile the constant string letters, to combine the strings into a single constant string?



such as

In [9]: dis.disassemble(compile("s = '123' + '456'", "<execfile>", "exec"))
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               3 ('123456')
              3 STORE_NAME               0 (s)
              6 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)
              9 RETURN_VALUE 

I want to know, when does python combine the constant string as the CONST. If possible, please tell me which source code about this at cpython(whatever 2.x, 3.x).

like image 599
Dreampuf Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 03:01


2 Answers

It happens whenever the combined string is 20 characters or fewer.

The optimization occurs in the peephole optimizer. See line 219 in the fold_binops_on_constants() function in Python/peephole.c: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/cd87afe18ff8/Python/peephole.c#l149

like image 99
Raymond Hettinger Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Raymond Hettinger

@Raymond Hetting's answer is great, vote for that (I did). I'd make this a comment, but you can't format code in a comment.

If you go over the 20 character limit, the disassembly looks like:

>>> dis.disassemble(compile("s = '1234567890' + '09876543210'", "<execfile>", "exec"))
  1  0 LOAD_CONST  0 ('1234567890')
     3 LOAD_CONST  1 ('09876543210')
     7 STORE_NAME  0 (s)

But in the case where you have two string literals, remember you can leave out the + and use String literal concatenation to avoid the BINARY_ADD (even when the combined string length is greater than 20):

>>> dis.disassemble(compile("s = '1234567890' '09876543210'", "<execfile>", "exec"))
  1  0 LOAD_CONST  0 ('123456789009876543210')
     3 STORE_NAME  0 (s)
like image 23
jimhark Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
