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When does binding to ref attribute become valid in Aurelia?



This is a follow up to this question: Access a DOM element in Aurelia

Is there a hook in the Screen Activation Lifecycle which allows me to run code after ref bindings have been set up? Currently it seems like there is a period of time after the activate hook is called when the ref bindings are not set up yet and then at some point they get activated. I tested this by adding a <div ref="myDiv"></div> to near the bottom of welcome.html in a cloned version of the latest (v0.13.0) skeleton-navigation repo and testing the existence of the reference in the view-model like this:

export class Welcome{
  heading = 'Welcome to the Aurelia Navigation App!';
  firstName = 'John';
  lastName = 'Doe';

  testMyDiv() {
    console.log("Getting my div")

  get fullName(){
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

    alert(`Welcome, ${this.fullName}!`);

A snippet of the bottom of the template...

      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>
    <div ref="myDiv"></div>

This is a snapshot of what I see in the console...

welcome.js:10 Getting my div
welcome.js:11 undefined
welcome.js:10 Getting my div
welcome.js:11 undefined
welcome.js:10 Getting my div
welcome.js:11 <div ref=​"myDiv" class=​"au-target">​</div>​
welcome.js:10 Getting my div
welcome.js:11 <div ref=​"myDiv" class=​"au-target">​</div>​

The print outs like this goes on indefinitely. You can see that fullName() is being called regularly to update the screen if the name changes (I assume this is the dirty checking)... but you can see that at the beginning there is a period when the referenced div is NOT valid as a property of the view-model, and then it IS valid. Can someone explain this? Is there a way to hook into the view-model after the ref becomes valid?

like image 714
ntilwalli Avatar asked May 01 '15 14:05


1 Answers

In general, bindings are processed and available after the bind callback. However, in this case since you need to access the DOM element, you will need the ViewModel to be bound and attached to the view, so use the attached callback.

class ViewModel { 

    bind() {
        this.refItem == undefined; // true

    attached() {
        this.refItem == undefined; // false

As you noted in the comments, more information on the activator callbacks is available here: http://aurelia.io/docs.html#extending-html

like image 179
Matthew James Davis Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

Matthew James Davis