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use Chart.js in Aurelia

I'd like to use chart.js in an aurelia project, but I'm getting errors. How do I add 3rd party node packages to an aurelia app?

I'm using aurelia-cli, BTW

Here's what I've done

npm install --save chart.js

In aurelia.json I added the following

"dependencies": [
    "name": "chart.js",
    "path": "../node_modules/chart.js/dist",
    "main": "Chart.min.js"

In app.html I then add the line

<require from="chart.js"></require>

But, I get the error:

vendor-bundle.js:1399 Unhandled rejection Error: Load timeout for modules: template-registry-entry!chart.html,text!chart.html

I've tried various things like injecting the Chart into the app.html

// DIDN'T WORK :-(
// app.js
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Chart} from 'chart.js';

export class App {

  static inject() { return [Chart]};

  constructor() {
    this.message = 'Hello World!';

And, then, in app.html, I added the following require statement

<require from="Chart"></require>


You can checkout a working example here. Initially, I thought you had to use the aurelia-chart module, however, it's very difficult to use, and so, I'd recommend you just use Chart.JS package instead. Here's how to incorporate the chart.js module into your Aurelia app:

npm install --save chart.js

In aurelia.json add the following line to the prepend section

"prepend": [

In the app.js file (or any other model-view file), add the line

import {Chart} from 'node_modules/chart.js/dist/Chart.js';

For, example, if you wanted to display a chart on the home page:

// app.js
import {Chart} from 'node_modules/chart.js/dist/Chart.js';

export class App {

And that's it!

like image 316
Kearney Taaffe Avatar asked Dec 12 '16 13:12

Kearney Taaffe

People also ask

Can I use chart js in angular?

The charts are animated and responsive so we can show it on any device. If you want to combine Chart. js with Angular then we can use: ng2-chart. Adding this package gives you access to angular instructions so that you can use the Chart.

What is the use of chart js?

js is an free JavaScript library for making HTML-based charts. It is one of the simplest visualization libraries for JavaScript, and comes with the following built-in chart types: Scatter Plot.

Is chart js free to use?

js is a free, open-source JavaScript library for data visualization, which supports eight chart types: bar, line, area, pie (doughnut), bubble, radar, polar, and scatter.

Is chart js any good?

ChartJS. Next at number four is another one of my personal favorites. If you want a chart visualization library that always looks great, then this is the one. Somehow, the creator of ChartJS got the default colors absolutely perfect and they go so well within any website.

1 Answers

1. Problem with require

First of all, don't use <require from="Chart"></require> in your app.html project. That is the source of your error message, since it's trying to load an Aurelia module and chart.js is not an Aurelia module (view/viewmodel) in your source code.

2. Alternate import syntax

Skip the inject lines in app.js, but try one of the following (try them one at a time) in either app.js or in each module you'll be using Chart. One of these imports is likely to work.

import { Chart } from 'chart.js';
import * from 'chart.js';
import 'chart.js';

3. Legacy prepend

If none of the above works, import it as a legacy repo using the prepend section of aurelia.json (before the dependencies section) like this:

"prepend": [
  // probably a couple other things already listed here...

Update for Aurelia-Chart: (added for any later viewers)

Since you ended up going with aurelia-chart (by grofit), here's the dependency code for aurelia.json:

"dependencies": [
    "name": "chart.js",
    "path": "../node_modules/chart.js/dist",
    "main": "Chart.min.js"
    "name": "aurelia-chart",
    "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-chart/dist/amd",
    "main": "index",
    "deps": ["chart.js"]
like image 70
LStarky Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09
